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URI Query Rule

URIs, as described in RFC3986, may also contain a query (?query) and a frag (#frag) component. Queries are addressed in the clause Query Parameters as Redfish Scalable Platforms Management API Specification DSP0266 described. Fragments (frag) should be ignored by the server when used as the URI for submitting an operation.

Table 1. URI Query Method Rule Example

Resource URI



Services support the odata query parameters.

$skip, $top, $expand, $select, $filter, excerpt, only





The $expand query supports asterisk (*), period (.) and tilde (~) to determine which hyperlinks should be expanded.

The $levels indicates how many levels the service should cascade the expand operation.


Implementation shall return the 501, Not Implemented, status code for any query parameters starting with "$" that are not supported and should return an extended error indicating the requested query parameter(s) not supported for this resource.


Implementations shall return the 400, Bad Request, status code if only is being combined with other query parameters.


Implementations shall ignore unknown or unsupported query parameters that do not begin with "$".




Fragments (#frag) shall be ignored by the server when used as the URI for submitting an operation.

The response body shall reflect the evaluation of the query parameters in this order: $skip → $top → $expand → excerpt → $select.