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Console Redirection Settings

Table 1. Console Redirection Settings
COM Port 1
  • Enabled (Default)

  • Disabled

Enables or disables COM 1 device.

When [Disabled] is selected, the associated COM 1 terminal settings are hidden.

Virtual COM Port 2
  • Enabled (Default)

  • Disabled

Enables or disables Virtual COM Port 2 device.

When [Disabled] is selected, SSH connection is disabled.

Console Redirection
  • Enabled

  • Disabled

  • Auto (Default)

Sets remote console redirection preference to enable or disable console redirection.

When [Auto] is selected, Console Redirection is enabled automatically if IPMI Serial over LAN status is active.

Serial Port Sharing
  • Enabled

  • Disabled (Default)

Enables system BMC to allow access to the system serial port.

When [Enabled] is selected, BMC is allowed to control the serial communication port as requested by remote control commands.

When [Disabled] is selected, the serial port is assigned to BMC unless Serial Port Access Mode is set to [Disabled].

Serial Port Access Mode
  • Shared

  • Dedicated

  • Disabled (Default)

Controls access to the system BMC over the system serial port.

  • [Shared]: Serial port is available for both of POST and operating system. However, BMC can monitor the serial data for a takeover control sequence.

  • [Dedicated]: BMC has complete control of the serial port for POST and/or OS use.

  • [Disabled]: BMC will not have any access to the serial port.

SP Redirection
  • Enabled

  • Disabled (Default)

Serial Over LAN (SOL) or SSH redirection enables a system administrator to use BMC as a serial terminal server. It allows you to choose which mode to have the redirection.

When [Disabled] is selected, it is configured with SOL. A server serial port can be accessed from SSH connection (Virtual COM 2) when SP Redirection is set to [Enabled].

This feature appears only when Console Redirection is set to [Enabled].
Legacy OS/Option ROM Display
  • Virtual COM Port 2

  • COM Port 1 (Default)

Selects a COM port to display the redirection of Legacy OS and Legacy OPROM (Option ROM) Messages.

COM Port Active After Boot
  • Enabled

  • Disabled (Default)

When [Disabled] is selected, Legacy Console Redirection is disabled before booting to legacy OS.

When [Enabled] is selected, Legacy Console Redirection is enabled for legacy OS.

COM1 Settings
COM1 Baud Rate
  • 115200 (Default)

  • 57600

  • 38400

  • 19200

  • 9600

Controls connection speed between the host and the remote system.

COM1 Data Bits
  • 8 (Default)

  • 7

Sets number of data bits in each character.

COM1 Parity
  • None (Default)

  • Odd

  • Even

Sets the parity bit in each character to be [None], [Odd], or [Even].

[None] means that no parity bit is transmitted.

COM1 Stop Bits
  • 2

  • 1 (Default)

Sets Stop Bits. Stop Bits which follow at the end of each character allow the signal receiver to detect the end of a character and to resynchronize with the character stream.

COM1 Terminal Emulation
  • VT100

  • VT100Plus

  • VT-UTF8

  • ANSI (Default)

Select [VT100] only if the remote emulator does not support ANSI text graphics.

If needed, change the character encoding setting in the remote emulator to ensure the characters show correctly.
COM1 Flow Control
  • Disabled (Default)

  • Hardware

Select [Hardware] only if the remote emulator supports and is using hardware flow control.