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Mirror Configuration

SR250 V3, ST50 V3 and ST250 V3 do not support this function.
Table 1. Mirror Configuration
Mirror Fail-Over
  • Disabled

  • Enabled (Default)

Enables or disables Mirror Fail-over.

When [Enabled] is selected, one uncorrectable memory error which is persistent triggers mirror failover.

When [Disabled] is selected, mirror failover is skipped even one uncorrectable memory which is persistent occurs.

This feature takes effect only when Full Mirror or Partial Mirror is enabled

Configuration Made From OS


Displays state of mirroring configuration that is made form OS (operating system) utility.

When a definition is found, you can use Delete Configuration Made From OS to clear it.

Mirror Below 4GB


Displays the mirroring configuration of memory below 4 GB..

Partial Mirror Ratio In Basis Points


Configures mirroring ratio for the memory above 4GB in basis points.

The valid range is 1 – 5000. e.g. 1275 represent 12.75%.

Delete Configuration Made From OS


Removes mirroring configuration that is made from operating system utility.

System reboot is required for changes to take effect.

This feature is available only when the mirroring is configured.
Configuration Made From UEFI


Displays state of mirroring configuration that is made by UEFI utility.

In case of a conflict with the configuration values from OS, the values from OS will take precedence.

Full Mirror
  • Disabled (Default)

  • Enabled

Reduces 50% of the total available system memory.

This feature does not support DDR5 DIMMs (9x4).

Partial Mirror
  • Disabled (Default)

  • Enabled

Partial mirroring reduces the available system memory by percentage of up to 50% per processor. The percentage is set by Partial Mirror Ratio In Basis Points. This mode cannot support DDR5 DIMMs (9x4).

  1. Partial Memory Mirroring is a sub-function of memory mirroring. It requires to follow the memory population for memory mirroring.

  2. This feature doesn’t apply for processors with Standard RAS.

Mirror Below 4GB
  • Enabled

  • Disabled (Default)

Mirrors all available system memory below 4GB.

This feature appears only when Partial Mirror is set to [Enabled].
Partial Mirror Ratio In Basis Points


Configures mirroring ratio for the memory above 4GB in basis points.

The valid range is 1 – 5000. e.g. 1275 represent 12.75%.

This feature appears only when Partial Mirror is set to [Enabled].