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Secure Boot Configuration

Table 1. Secure Boot Configuration
Secure Boot Status
  • Disabled

  • Enabled

Checks Secure Boot Status.

Secure Boot Mode
  • Setup Mode

  • User Mode

System performs secure boot authentication when this feature is set to [User Mode] and secure boot is enabled.

Secure Boot Setting
  • Enabled

  • Disabled (Default)

Secure Boot feature is Active when this feature is set to [Enabled], Platform Key (PK) is enrolled, and the system is in user mode.

To change the mode, resetting the platform is required.

Secure Boot Policy
  • Factory Policy (Default)

  • Custom Policy

  • Delete All Keys

  • Delete PK

  • Reset All Keys to Default

Secure Boot policy options:

[Factory Policy]: Factory default keys will be used after reboot.

[Custom Policy]: Customized keys will be used after reboot.

[Delete All Keys]: PK (Platform Key), KEK (Key Exchange Key), DB (Authorized Signature Database), and DBX (Forbidden Signature Database) will be deleted after reboot.

[Delete PK]: PK will be deleted after reboot. After the PK is deleted, Secure Boot Mode will be in [Setup Mode], and Secure Boot Policy will be in [Custom Policy].

[Reset All Keys to Default]: All keys will be set to factory defaults and Secure Boot Policy will be set to [Factory Policy] after reboot.

View Secure Boot Keys


Views the details of PK, KEK, DB, and DBX.

Secure Boot Custom Policy


Customizes PK, KEK, DB, and DBX.

This feature appears only when Secure Boot Policy is set to [Custom Policy].