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Remotely over a LAN

This topic provides instructions on how to update the Universal Unique Identifier and DMI/SMBIOS data on the server remotely over a LAN.

To update the UUID in the ASU command-line interface, enter the following command:
If you omit any optional parameter, the default value is used.

asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoUUID uuid --host ipaddress

     [--user userid][--password password]


is the user-assigned hexadecimal value, up to 16 bytes, that identifies the server.
is the external LAN IP address of the IMM.
is the IMM account name (1 of 12 accounts). The default is USERID.
is the IMM account password (1 of 12 accounts). The default is PASSW0RD (with a zero, not the letter O).

To update the DMI/SMBIOS data, complete the following steps:

  1. In the ASU command-line interface, enter the following command:

    asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoProdName xxxxyyy --host ipaddress

         [--user userid][--password password]


    is the 4-digit machine type of the server.
    is the 3-digit model number of the server.
    is the external LAN IP address of the IMM.
    is the IMM account name (1 of 12 accounts). The default is USERID.
    is the IMM account password (1 or 12 accounts). The default is PASSW0RD (with a zero, not the letter O).
  2. Enter the following command:

    asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoSerialNum zzzzzzz --host ipaddress

         [--user userid][--password password]

    where zzzzzzz is the 7-character serial number of the server.

  3. Enter the following command:

    asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysEncloseAssetTag

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa --host ipaddress

         [--user userid][--password password]

    where aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is the 33-character asset tag number of the server.