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asu command

This command is used to configure UEFI settings.

Advanced Settings Utility commands (ASU) are used to configure UEFI settings. The host system must be rebooted for any UEFI setting changes to take effect.

The following table contains a subset of commands that can be used with the asu command.
Table 1. asu command. The following table is a multi-row three column table consisting of a subset of commands that can be used in conjunction with the asu command. Descriptive information and associated values for the commands are provided.
deleteUse this command to delete an instance or record of a setting. The setting must be an instance that allows deletion, for example, iSCSI.AttemptName.1.setting_instance
helpUse this command to display help information for one or more settings.setting
setUse this command to change the value of a setting. Set the UEFI setting to the input value.
  • Set one or more setting/value pairs.
  • The setting can contain wildcards if it expands to a single setting.
  • The value must be enclosed in quotes if it contains spaces.
  • Ordered list values are separated by the equal symbol (=). For example, set B*.Bootorder "CD/DVD Rom=Hard Disk 0=PXE Network."
setting value
showgroupsUse this command to display the available setting groups. This command displays the names of known groups. Group names may vary depending on the installed devices.setting
showUse this command to display the current value of one or more settings.setting
showvaluesUse this command to display all possible values for one or more settings.
  • This command will display information about the allowable values for the setting.
  • The minimum and maximum number of instances allowed for the setting is displayed.
  • The default value will be displayed if available.
  • The default value is enclosed with opening and closing angle brackets (< and >).
  • Text values show the minimum and maximum length and regular expression.
  • In the command syntax, setting is the name of a setting that you want to view or change, and value is the value that you are placing on the setting.
  • Setting can be more than one name, except when using the set command.
  • Setting can contain wildcards, for example an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?).
  • Setting can be a group, a setting name, or all.
Examples of the syntax for the asu command are presented in the following list:
  • To display all of the asu command options enter asu --help.
  • To display verbose help for all commands enter asu -v --help.
  • To display verbose help for one command enter asu -v set --help.
  • To change a value enter asu set setting value.
  • To display the current value enter asu show setting.
  • To display settings in long batch format enter asu show -l -b all
  • To display all possible values for a setting enter asu showvalues setting.
    Example show values command:
    system> asu showvalues S*.POST*
    SystemRecovery.POSTWatchdogTimerValue=numeric min=5 max=20 step=1 default=5
The following table shows the arguments for the options.
Table 2. asu options. The following table is a multi-row three column table consisting of the options, option descriptions, and associated values for the options.
-bDisplay in batch format. 
--help1Display command usage and options. The --help option is placed before the command, for example asu --help show. 
--help1Display help for the command. The --help option is placed after the command, for example, asu show --help. 
-lLong format setting name (include the configuration set). 
-mMixed format setting name (use the configuration id). 
-v2Verbose output. 
  1. The --help option can be used with any command.
  2. The -v option is used only between asu and the command.
asu [options] command [cmdopts]
-v verbose output
--help display main help
--help help for the command
See individual commands for more command options.
Use the asu transaction commands to set multiple UEFI settings and create and execute batch mode commands. Use the tropen and trset commands to create a transaction file containing multiple settings to be applied. A transaction with a given id is opened using the tropen command. Settings are added to the set using the trset command. The completed transaction is committed using the trcommit command. When you are finished with the transaction, it can be deleted with the trrm command.
The UEFI settings restore operation will create a transaction with an id using a random three digit number.
The following table contains transaction commands that can be used with the asu command.
Table 3. asu transaction commands. The following table is a multi-row three column table consisting of the transactions commands, the command descriptions, and associated values for the commands.
tropen idThis command creates a new transaction file containing several settings to be set.Id is the identifying string, 1 - 3 alphanumeric characters.
trset idThis command adds one or more settings or value pairs to a transaction.Id is the identifying string, 1 - 3 alphanumeric characters.
trlist idThis command displays the contents of the transaction file first. This can be useful when the transaction file is created in the CLI shell.Id is the identifying string, 1 - 3 alphanumeric characters.
trcommit idThis command commits and executes the contents of the transaction file. The results of the execution and any errors will be displayed.Id is the identifying string, 1 - 3 alphanumeric characters.
trrm idThis command removes the transaction file after it has been committed.Id is the identifying string, 1 - 3 alphanumeric characters.
Example of establishing multiple UEFI settings:
asu tropen TR1
asu trset TR1 UEFI.BootModes.SystemBootMode "UEFI and Legacy"
asu trset TR1 BootOrder.BootOrder "CD/DVD Rom=Hard Disk 0=PXE Network"
asu trset TR1 BootOrder.WolBootOrder "CD/DVD Rom=Hard Disk 0=PXE Network"
asu trset TR1 UEFI.DevicesandIOPorts.Com1BaudRate 115200
asu trset TR1 UEFI.DevicesandIOPorts.Com1DataBits 8
asu trset TR1 UEFI.DevicesandIOPorts.Com1FlowControl Disable
asu trset TR1 UEFI.DevicesandIOPorts.Com1Parity None
asu trset TR1 UEFI.DevicesandIOPorts.Com1StopBits 1
asu trset TR1 UEFI.DevicesandIOPorts.COMPort1 Enable
asu trcommit TR1