
ssl 命令

使用此命令可显示并配置 SSL 参数。

要启用 SSL 客户端,必须先安装客户端证书。在无任何选项的情况下运行 ssl 命令将显示 SSL 参数。下表显示选项的参数。

表 1. ssl 命令.


-ce启用或禁用 SSL 客户端on 和 off
-se启用或禁用 SSL 服务器on 和 off
-cime在 SSL 服务器上启用或禁用 CIM over HTTPSon 和 off
portcfg [options]
-ce state
-se state
-cime state
参数:以下参数会出现在 ssl 命令的选项状态显示中,并且仅从 CLI 输出:
Server secure transport enable
Server Web/CMD key status
  • Private Key and Cert/CSR not available
  • Private Key and CA-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Auto-gen self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key stored, CSR available for download
SSL server CSR key status
  • Private Key and Cert/CSR not available
  • Private Key and CA-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Auto-gen self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key stored, CSR available for download
SSL client LDAP key status
  • Private Key and Cert/CSR not available
  • Private Key and CA-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Auto-gen self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key stored, CSR available for download
SSL client CSR key status
  • Private Key and Cert/CSR not available
  • Private Key and CA-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Auto-gen self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key and Self-signed cert installed
  • Private Key stored, CSR available for download