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Lenovo Extended Registries

Registry resources assist in interpreting Redfish resources beyond what is defined in the Redfish Schema. Examples of registries include Message Registries, Event Registries and BIOS Attribute Registries.

Registries are themselves resources which provide static, read-only JSON encoded information. Standard registries published by DMTF are available for download from . The XCC2 Redfish service provides a a collection of Registries at "/redfish/v1/Registries", which contain DMTF standard registries as well as Lenovo extended registries.
  • Message Registry

    • In addition to the standard base message registry “Base.1.12.1.json”, XCC2 provides the OEM registry “ExtendedError.1.2.2.json” to extend messages used by XCC2 Redfish service. The URIs for the registries are “/redfish/v1/schemas/registries/ExtendedError.1.2.2.json”, and "/redfish/v1/Registries/LenovoExtendedWarning.1.0.0".

      The registry for resource event ("/redfish/v1/Registries/ResourceEvent.1.0.2") defines messages to use for related changes on Redfish resources. The registry for task event ("/redfish/v1/Registries/TaskEvent.1.0.1") defines the messages to use to present changes related to a Redfish task.

      In firmware update processes, there are messages to present the update progress or errors encountered. Refer to the Lenovo Firmware Update Message Register (/redfish/v1/schemas/registries/LenovoFirmwareUpdateRegistry.1.0.0.json) to get messages defined and know resolutions.

  • Event Registry

    • XCC2 Redfish events reference messages that are defined in various message registries. There are two types of events in XCC2:
      • “platform events” that are detected by hardware and software. This is a superset of the events corresponding to IPMI SEL. These events use the Redfish registry “/redfish/v1/schemas/registries/EventRegistry.1.0.0.json”.

      • “audit events” that record actions performed by users. Audit events uses the same registry EventRegistry.1.0.0.json as above.

  • Bios Attribute Registry

    • BIOS attributes use attribute registry file “/redfish/v1/schemas/registries/BiosAttributeRegistry.1.0.0.json". The registry file contains inventory and configuration attribute information provided by Lenovo UEFI.

  • Privilege Registry

    • The Redfish resources have access control according to privileges of an account requesting Redfish service. The privilege registry defines the required privileges to access a resource. In the registry there are mappings between required privileges and operation types permitted.