
vpd 指令


使用 vpd 指令可顯示系統 (sys)、IMM (bmc)、伺服器 BIOS (uefi)、Lenovo XClarity Provisioning Manager (lxpm)、伺服器韌體 (fw)、伺服器元件 (comp) 和 PCIe 裝置 (pcie) 的重要產品資料。此資訊與 Web 介面中顯示的相同。

vpd sys  - displays Vital Product Data for the system
vpd bmc - displays Vital Product Data for the management controller
vpd uefi - displays Vital Product Data for system BIOS
vpd lxpm - displays Vital Product Data for system LXPM
vpd fw - displays Vital Product Data for the system firmware
vpd comp - displays Vital Product Data for the system components
vpd pmem - displays Vital Product Data for Intel Optane PMem
vpd pcie - displays Vital Product Data for PCIe devices

system> vpd bmc
Type Status Version Build ReleaseDate
---- ------- ----- ------
BMC (Primary) Active 0.00 DVI399T 2017/06/06
BMC (Backup) Inactive 1.00 TEI305J 2017/04/13
