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Installing the system-board assembly

Use this information to install the system-board assembly in the blade server.

When you replace the system board, you must either update the server with the latest firmware or restore the pre-existing firmware that the customer provides on a diskette or CD image. Make sure that you have the latest firmware or a copy of the pre-existing firmware before you proceed. See Updating the DMI/SMBIOS data and Updating firmware and device drivers for more information.

To install the system-board assembly, complete the following steps:

  1. Using a ball point pen, transfer the machine type and serial number from the old system-board assembly to the two labels on the IBM Repair Identification (RID) tag provided with the new system-board assembly; then, place label 1 (larger label) on the base of the system board and label 2 (smaller label) on the bottom side of the control panel.

    IBM Repair Identification (RID) tag

  2. Install all of the components in the following list that you removed from the old system-board assembly onto the new system-board assembly.
  3. Install the optional expansion unit, if you removed one from the blade server to replace the battery (see Installing an optional expansion unit for instructions).
  4. Install the cover onto the blade server (see Installing the blade server cover).
  5. Install the blade server into the BladeCenter unit (see Installing the blade server in a BladeCenter unit).
  6. The Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) must be updated when the system board is replaced. Use the Advanced Settings Utility to update the UUID in the UEFI-based server (see Updating the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID)).
  7. Update the server with the latest firmware or restore the pre-existing firmware that the customer provides on a diskette or CD image. Make sure that you have the latest firmware or a copy of the pre-existing firmware before you proceed. See Updating the DMI/SMBIOS data and Updating firmware and device drivers for more information.