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Viewing event logs without restarting the server

Use this information to view the event logs without restarting the server.

If the server is not hung and the TMM is connected to a network, methods are available for you to view one or more event logs without having to restart the server.

If IPMItool is installed in the server, you can use it to view the system-event log. Most recent versions of the Linux operating system come with a current version of IPMItool. For an overview of IPMI, go to blueprints and click Using Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) on Lenovo Linux platforms.

You can view the TMM event log through the Event Log link in the TMM web interface. For more information, see Logging on to the web interface.

The following table describes the methods that you can use to view the event logs, depending on the condition of the server. The first three conditions generally do not require that you restart the server.
Table 1. Methods for viewing event logs.

Two column table for documenting the event condition and action.

The server is not hung and is connected to a network (using an operating system controlled network ports).Use any of the following methods:
  • Run diagnostic tool/Lenovo ToolsCenter Suite CLI to view the diagnostic event log (requires IPMI driver) or create an output file that you can send to Lenovo service and support (using ftp or local copy).
  • Use IPMItool to view the system-event log (requires IPMI driver).
The server is not hung and is not connected to a network (using an operating system controlled network ports).
  • Run diagnostic tool/Lenovo ToolsCenter Suite CLI to view the diagnostic event log (requires IPMI driver) or create an output file that you can send to Lenovo service and support (using ftp or local copy).
  • Use IPMItool to view the system-event log (requires IPMI driver).
The server is not hung and the TMM is connected to a network.In a web browser, type the IP address for the TMM and go to the Event Log page.
The server is hung, and no communication can be made with the TMM.