clock command
Use this command to display the current date and time according to the IMM2 clock and the GMT offset.
You can set the date, time, GMT offset, and daylight saving time settings.
Note the following information:
- For a GMT offset of +2, -7, -6, -5, -4, or -3, special daylight saving time settings are required:
- For +2, the daylight saving time options are as follows: off, ee (Eastern Europe), mik (Minsk), tky (Turkey), bei (Beirut), amm (Amman), jem (Jerusalem).
- For -7, the daylight saving time settings are as follows: off, mtn (Mountain), maz (Mazatlan).
- For -6, the daylight saving time settings are as follows: off, mex (Mexico), cna (Central North America).
- For -5, the daylight saving time settings are as follows: off, cub (Cuba), ena (Eastern North America).
- For -4, the daylight saving time settings are as follows: off, asu (Asuncion), cui (Cuiaba), san (Santiago), cat (Canada - Atlantic).
- For -3, the daylight saving time settings are as follows: off, gtb (Godthab), moo (Montevideo), bre (Brazil - East).
- The year must be from 2000 to 2089, inclusive.
- The month, date, hours, minutes, and seconds can be single-digit values (for example, 9:50:25 instead of 09:50:25).
- GMT offset can be in the format of +2:00, +2, or 2 for positive offsets, and -5:00 or -5 for negative offsets.
clock [<em className="ph i">options</em>]
-d <em className="ph i">mm/dd/yyyy</em>
-t <em className="ph i">hh:mm:ss</em>
-g <em className="ph i">gmt offset</em>
-dst <em className="ph i">on/off/special case</em>
system> clock
12/12/2011 13:15:23 GMT-5:00 dst on
system> clock -d 12/31/2011
system> clock
12/31/2011 13:15:30 GMT-5:00 dst on
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