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GET /service/tickets/{record_id}

Use this method to return information about a specific service ticket that was generated by a support service other than Call Home.

For service tickets that were generated by Call Home, use GET /callhome/endPointsPMR/{record_uid}.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/service/tickets/{record_id}

where {record_id} is the ID of the problem record. To obtain the problem-record ID, use GET /service/tickets.

Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

creationDateLongTimestamp when the service ticket was created
deviceUUIDStringUUID of the device that generated service ticket
eventIDStringID of the event that generated service ticket
eventSequenceIDIntegerSequence ID of the event that generated the service ticket
lastUpdateDateLongTimestamp when the service ticket was updated last
machineModelStringModel of the device that generated service ticket
machineTypeStringMachine type of the device that generated service ticket
serialNumberStringSerial number of the device that generated service ticket
statusStringStatus of the service ticket. This can be one of the following values.
  • Processing

  • Answered

  • Cancelled

  • Closed

  • Created

  • Error

  • Initialized

  • Rejected

  • Submitted

  • Unknown

  • Waiting

ticketIDStringID of the service ticket
ticketTypeStringSupport service that generated the service ticket. This can be one of the following values.
  • Cherwell
The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"creationDate": "1366146000000",
"eventID": "FQXHMSS1045M",
"eventSequenceID": 120,
"lastUpdateDate": "1366147000000",
"machineModel": "AC1",
"machineType": "7903",
"serialNumber": "NANC009",
"status": "active",
"ticketID": "USE0DSBNWWS",
"ticketType": "Cherwell"