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General limitations

XClarity Essentials OneCLI has the following known general limitations.

A OneCLI command responds with the message "WARNING REMOTE HOST(xxxx) IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED" when connecting to an XCC in out-of-band mode. This happens when the SSL certificate has not been updated after the XCC host name of target system has changed.
To solve the problem, do the following:
  1. Add the option --never-check-trust, -N to skip SSL certificate verification.

  2. Regenerate XCC SSL certificate with new XCC hostname.

OneCLI cannot collect FFDC logs for CMM with Model HC1

After upgrading the SSH client, OneCLI supports algorithms ssh-ed25519, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,,, rsa-sha2-512, and rsa-sha2-256. CMM with Model HC1 only supports the deprecated algorithms ssh-rsa and ssh-dss. Therefore, OneCLI fails to collect FFDC logs when connecting to CMM with Model HC1.

OneCLI cannot connect to the SFTP server that only supports the deprecated algorithms ssh-rsa and ssh-dss.

After upgrading the SSH client, OneCLI supports algorithms ssh-ed25519, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,,, rsa-sha2-512, and rsa-sha2-256. The SFTP server that only supports the deprecated algorithms ssh-rsa and ssh-dss cannot be connected to OneCLI.

OneCLI does not support to mount/unmount virtual media under in-band mode.
OneCLI retrieves a temporary account from BMC when running in-band scenarios, but the temporary account does not have the privilege to mount/unmount virtual media.
OneCLI does not support inventory and raid configuration on Virtual Raid on CPU (VRoC).
The glibc.i686 and glibc-locale libraries are required to load shared libraries.
If the glibc.i686 and glibc_locale libraries are not installed, users might receive the following error when attempting to load a shared library:OneCli error while load shared libraries: cannot open shared object: no such file or directory.
OneCLI uses BMC Lan over USB which uses "169.254.95. xx" network by default.
The default setting for BMC Lan-over-USB is "169.254.95.xx". If the "169.254.95.xx" network is used for another application, such as Oracle RAC, running OneCli will change the network route table, which can cause the other application to behave unexpectedly. In this case, set the IP address in the "BMC Ethernet over USB IP Settings" section of the BMC Web page to a non-conflict IP address so that OneCli will use this IP address to connect to BMC.
OneCLI might print warning message when Broadcom CIM provider v17.0.5 or older installed on a customized the VMware ESXI system.
If users have a Broadcom CIM provider v17.0.5 or older installed on a customized the VMware ESXI system, the following warning message will be displayed in the log file: You have a Broadcom CIM provider v17.0.5 or older installed in the target system. Broadcom CIM Provider versions older than 17.0.5 is not recommended to use for Firmware Update. If you want to update Firmware, install the latest ESXi patch."