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Update limitations

The limitations listed in this section are specific to the update application.

  • For update limitations relating to the Lenovo UpdateXpress System Pack Installer, see limitations listed in the UXSPi documentation at:

  • To download packages from IBM Web site through proxy, ensure that the proxy server can access domain and for Windows operating systems and IP address and for Linux operating systems.

The installed driver version is displayed as "Undetected" in the update compare results.
For some network adapters, RAID adapters, and chipsets, if the installed driver name does not match any out-of-box driver in the server update packages, the installed driver version will be displayed as Undetected in the update compare results. In this case, OneCLI could not select the correct driver for update.

Workaround: Users should use OneCLI with the --force parameter or manually install the out-of-box driver to override the in-box driver.

The installed driver version is displayed as "N/A" in the update compare results.
For some network adapters, RAID adapters, and chipsets, if the installed driver version is non-sequential compared with the out-of-box driver in server update packages, the installed driver version will be displayed as N/A in the update compare results. By default, OneCLI will recognize the installed driver as in-box driver and install the corresponding out-of-box driver.
Specific command needed to install ESXi6.0u2, ESXi6.0U3, ESXi6.5
The ESXi6.0u2 software bundle must be installed using the following command:
esxcli software vib install --maintenance-mode -d file:///<dir>/<zip_file_name>
  • <dir> is the directory where the CIM zip file is stored (for example, /var/tmp/)

  • <zip_file_name> is the name of the zip file, using the form

After the installation is complete, restart ESXi when prompted.
User should enable Ethernet Over USB and CIM Over HTTPS on XCC web UI before remotely updating firmware using OneCLI under ESXi.
The firmware to be updated could be sent to XCC succssfully after these two options are enabled.
After installing ESXi, system requires 15 minutes to initialize.
To prevent OneCLI errors when first restarting a system after ESXi has been installed, wait approximately 15 minutes for the system to initialize before performing any operations.
All OneCLI paths must use standard English-language alphanumeric characters.
All OneCLI paths specified for the --dir or --output parameters must use standard English-language alphanumeric characters: and must not include spaces, special characters, or non-English-language characters.
64-bit Linux requires 32-bit compatible libraries to update firmware
To update firmware with the XClarity Essentials OneCLI on 64-bit Linux operating systems, the 32-bit compatibility library (compat-libstdc++) must be installed. Use the following command to see if this library is installed:
rpm -qa grep compat-libstdc++-296
The XClarity Essentials OneCLI update function does not support tape drives
The update function does not support the tape device driver firmware scan, compare, or flash functions.
XClarity Essentials OneCLI does not support firmware updates for LAN-over-USB bridged network ports

The XClarity Essentials OneCLI does not support firmware updates for systems where LAN-over-USB ports are bridged by bridge network ports.

For example, on a SLES11 XEN system, there might be network ports, such as the br0 (bridge) port, eth0 (Ethernet controller) port, and usb0 (LAN-over-USB) port. If the usb0 port is bridged by the br0 port, the XClarity Essentials OneCLI is unable to flash any firmware on the system due because it is unable to establish a CIM connection when the usb0 port is bridged by the br0 port. To solve this problem, the usb0 port must be manually removed from the bridged devices list of br0. To edit the bridged devices List of br0 on SLES systems, run the yast2 command at a command prompt to display the Network Card Setup GUI window; then, select Network Bridge br0 and click Edit. In the next configuration window, uncheck the usb0 selection and save the configuration; then, restart the system to use the XClarity Essentials OneCLI to update the system firmware.

Some SND switches restart after firmware update
For SND switches that have multi-image updates, such as the CN4093 or EN2092 switches, the switch firmware shall be active after firmware update, causing the switch to restart automatically. The XClarity Essentials OneCLI “--noreboot” parameter will not prevent these switches from restarting after firmware upgrade.
User must verify presence of configuration file
The XClarity Essentials OneCLI uses a third-party library to parse the configuration file. Users must verify that the configuration file (global.config or IBM_systems_list.txt) is in the OneCLI binary file, that is in UTF-8 encoded format.
XClarity Essentials OneCLI does not restore USB LAN IP configuration
The XClarity Essentials OneCLI will not restore the USB LAN IP configuration (usb0 or usb1) after firmware update. The update process changes the USB LAN Device IP address to one that will connect to BMC, making the origin USB LAN IP address not valid.
XClarity Essentials OneCLI does not support the VMware ESXI 5.1.
XClarity Essentials OneCLI openssl command is not compatible with ESXi opensslo command.
OneCLI OOB can only flash OOB enabled packages that now is indicated by pldmSupport or oobSupport tag in package xml for OOB enabled Adapters.
OneCLI cannot flash the system firmware in a host OS when the ipmi service of the host is not available.
If “IMM.LanOverUsb” is set to “Disabled”, OneCLI will flash the system firmware through USB LAN device. In this case, OneCLI cannot update IB system firmware.
OneCLI cannot compare matrox video driver.
ESXI 6.5: IMM is unresponsive after updating firmware by using OneCLI.
OneCLI cannot update the core firmware in host when the IP address in network conflicts with the local USB LAN IP (default IP:
OneCLI cannot compare Intel Driver Pack versions for the non-ThinkSystem servers.
Intel Driver Pack only releases the package for the ThinkSystem servers after 2017. Therefore, from V2.1.0, OneCLI only supports to compare the Intel Driver Pack versions for the ThinkSystem servers. However, Intel Driver Pack releases a build for the non-ThinkSystem servers in 2018.
If the server XCC firmware is not the latest version, OneCLI might fail to update the M.2 & NVMe Adapter firmware in host.
OneCLI cannot update the M.2 & NVMe Adapter firmware in host when there are conflicts between the network IP and the local USB LAN IP (default IP:
Even the mtrox-lnvgy_dd_video_4.11.0_rhel7_x86-64 driver package only supports RHEL7.3, this driver package will be displayed in RHEL7.4/RHEL7.5 of OneCLI.
The latest version of the mtrox-lnvgy_dd_video_4.11.0_rhel7_x86-6 driver package is in the in-box driver of OS. However, users might still see this driver package in RHEL7.4/RHEL7.5. When users flash this driver package in RHEL7.4/RHEL7.5, a message will be displayed, showing that this driver package is in the latest version.
When HDD/SSD is not connected to the RAID controller in the OOB mode, OneCLI does not support to scan or compare the HDD/SSD firmware.
OneCLI might delay displaying the firmware update progress.
If OneCLI frequently checks the firmware update progress, BMC will be busy. Now OneCLI supports to check the firmware update progress every 10 seconds. Therefore, the firmware update progress might not be displayed in real time. For example, when OneCLI shows that the progress of updating UEFI is 43%, the actual update progress might be 100%, and the system can be powered off.
OneCLI will fail to acquire the update packages with a certificate interception proxy
When users use OneCLI to acquire an update package with a proxy from or, and the proxy has a certificate interception configuration, the certificate issuer name will be changed to the proxy name. In this case, OneCLI cannot verify the certificate or acquire the update package. To solve this problem, users can add the proxy certificate to esupport.pem (for or TrustList.pem (for in OneCLI binary.