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Searching for assets

The "searching for assets" feature provides the search capability for quickly locating specific servers, clusters, chassis, and/or Lenovo XClarity Administrator instances among the assets from theLenovo XClarity Integrator Add-in console with a keyword.


Keyword matching is case-insensitive. A keyword does not support wildcards or regular expressions.

Search fields

Search fields vary according to search targets. A match is found when the search text is included in any one of the fields of a search target.

For servers, the search fields are:
  • OS IP address
  • OS Name
  • Machine type
  • Server UUID
  • IMM IP address
  • IMM model
  • IMM part number
  • IMM serial number
For chassis, the search fields are:
  • Domain name
  • Machine type
  • Model
  • Name
  • Part number
  • Serial number
  • CMM IP address
  • Product name
  • UUID
For Lenovo XClarity Administrator, the search field is:
  • IP address
For cluster, the search fields are:
  • Cluster ID
  • Cluster Name

Search results

The search results display in the asset tree in the hierarchical structure. Matches are highlighted in blue. The upper-level nodes of a match node are expanded. A match node that has subordinate nodes without matches is collapsed.

From within the search results, you can select one node and operate it as usual. Its functions operate normally as well.

The asset tree stops automatically refreshing while displaying the search results.