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“No healthy upstream” is displayed on the LXCI page in vCenter

In vCenter 8.0u3 and later versions, No healthy upstream might be displayed on the LXCI page. This might be caused by the expired LXCI certificate. In this case, LXCI cannot be connected by vCenter, and users should re-generate or upload the new certificate to LXCI and re-register LXCI to vCenter.


Complete the following steps to solve the problem.

  1. Log in to the LXCI admin page:https://<LXCI IP>/admin
  2. Click Security Settings > Server Certificate > Download Certificate > Download.
  3. Open the downloaded certificate, check whether it is expired.
  4. If the certificate is expired, regenerate or upload a new certificate.
  5. De-register LXCI with vCenter and re-register it to vCenter again.