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LXCOJobStatus enum

This data object contains the job status.

Namespace: Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data

Assembly: Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data

Attributes: FlagsAttribute

Inheritance > Object > ValueType > Enum > LXCOJobStatus


  • Aborted (0x00000001)
  • Blocked (0x00000002)
  • Cancelled (0x00000004)
  • CancelledWithErrors (0x00000008)
  • CancelledWithWarnings (0x00000010)
  • Cancelling (0x00000020)
  • Complete (0x00000040)
  • CompleteWithErrors (0x00000080)
  • CompleteWithWarnings (0x00000100)
  • Expired (0x00000200)
  • Initializing (0x00000400)
  • Interrupted (0x00000800)
  • InterruptedWithErrors (0x00001000)
  • InterruptedWithWarnings (0x00002000)
  • Investigating (0x00004000)
  • Pending (0x00008000)
  • Resolved (0x00010000)
  • Running (0x00020000)
  • RunningWithErrors (0x00040000)
  • RunningWithWarnings (0x00080000)
  • Skipped (0x00100000)
  • Stopped (0x00200000)
  • StoppedWithErrors (0x00400000)
  • StoppedWithWarnings (0x00800000)
  • Uploading (0x01000000)
  • Validating (0x02000000)
  • Waiting (0x04000000)
  • Unknown (0x80000000)