Summary of changes in the PowerShell toolkit
Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator supports enhancements to the PowerShell toolkit.
Version 2.1
The following cmdlets were added or modified.
- Add-LXCOManager. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
- (New) Find-LXCODevices. Directly discovers manageable Lenovo devices by specifying an individual IP addresses or hostname, range of IP addresses, or subnet.
- Find-LXCODevices. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
- (New) GET-LXCODiscoveredDevices. Returns a list of all discovered (but not managed) Lenovo devices.
- New-LXCOUpdatePolicy. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
- Import-LXCOFirmwarePackage. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
- Install-LXCODeviceFirmwareUpdates. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
- Install-LXCOResourceManagerUpdates. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
- Invoke-LXCOServerPowerAction. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
- Join-LXCOServerConfigPattern. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
- Join-LXCOServerConfigPattern. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
- (New) Register-LXCODevices. Directly manages discovered devices on the specified resource manager.
- (New) Remove-LXCODevices. Unmanages devices.
- Remove-LXCOManager. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
- Set-LXCOPSLogLevel. Added the Trace value for the -Loglevel parameter to include in the log messages of all severity and trace information that might help to debug issues.
- Split-LXCOServerConfigPattern. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
- Update-LXCOFirmwareCatalog. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
- Use-LXCOServerConfigPattern. Returns LXCOJobFullData instead of LXCOJob if the request was accepted the orchestrator server.
The following data types were added or modified.
- (New) DeviceDiscoveredBy class. Contains data about the resource manager that discovered this device.
- (New) DiscoveredDeviceData class. Contains data about a discovered device.
- (New) HostsToDiscover class. Contains data about an individual IP address or hostname for a manageable device.
- ManagerHealthState enum. Added the value Pending.
- (New) Range class. Contains data about a range of IP addresses.
- (New) RangesToDiscover class. Contains data about IP-address ranges to be discovered by a resource manager.
- (New) Subnet class. Contains data about a subnet definition.
- (New) SubnetsToDiscover class. Contains data about subnets to be probed for manageable devices to be discovered by a resource manager .
- (New) ToDiscover class. Contains data about a subnet to be probed for manageable devices by a resource manager.
Version 2.0
The following cmdlets were added or modified.
- (New) Use-LXCOServerConfigPattern. Deploys a server configuration pattern to one or more servers
- (New) Get-LXCODevicesConfiguration. Returns details about the configuration pattern status for managed servers.
- (New) Get-LXCODeviceServiceData. Returns a list of all service-data archives or to save one or more specific service-data archives for devices.
- (New) Get-LXCOServerConfigPattern. Returns information about a specific server-configuration pattern.
- (New) Get-LXCOServiceData. Downloads the XClarity Orchestrator service-data file as a tar.gz archive to the local system.
- (New) Import-LXCOServerConfigPattern.Imports one or more files that contain server-configuration pattern definitions, in JSON format.
- (New) Get-LXCOResourcesCompliance. Returns information about the firmware compliances for managed devices or registered resource managers.
- (New) Join-LXCOServerConfigPattern. Assigns a configuration pattern to specified device.
- (New) New-LXCOServerConfigPattern. Creates a server-configuration pattern by learning the pattern of an existing server.
- Join-LXCOUpdatePolicy. Added the -ComplianceStatus parameter to identify whether to replace the currently assigned policy with the new policy based on the current policy compliance.
The following data types were added.
- (New) ConfigPatternData class. Contains data about the configuration pattern.
- (New) DeviceConfigPatternDetails class. Contains information about the configuration pattern applied to a device.
- (New) DeviceServiceDataDetails class. Contains information about a device service data archive.
- (New) DeviceFirmwareComplianceDetails class. Contains information about firmware compliances for a device.
- (New) ResourceManagerUpdateComplianceDetails class. Contains information about update compliance for a specific resource manager.
Version 1.6
The following cmdlets were added.
- (New) Get-LXCOAlerts. Returns a list of all alerts or information about a specific alert.
- (New) Get-LXCODeviceInventory. Returns inventory data about a specific managed device.
- (New) Get-LXCOEvents. Returns a list of all events or information about a specific event.
- (New) Get-LXCOJobs. Returns a list of all root jobs or to return summary information for one or more specific jobs or subtasks.
- (New) Import-LXCOFirmwarePackage. Imports one or more update packages.
- (New) Invoke-LXCOServerPowerAction. Performs a power action (such as power on or power off) on one or more managed servers.
The following data types were added.
- (New) AlertData class. Contains basic information about a specific alert.
- (New) AlertFullData class. Contains extended information about an alert.
- (New) ChassisComponent class. Contains chassis-component data.
- (New) ChassisInventoryInfo class. Contains inventory data for a chassis device.
- (New) DeviceInAlert class. Contains information about the device on which the alert occurred.
- (New) DeviceInventoryData class. Contains inventory data for all types of supported devices.
- (New) DevicePowerSupply class. Contains power supply data.
- (New) EventData class. Contains basic information about a specific event.
- (New) EventFullData class. Contains extended information about a specific event.
- (New) FanData class. Contains fan data.
- (New) FanMultiplexors class. Contains fan multiplexor data.
- LXCOJob class. Added a property that contains the target resource for the job.
- (New) LXCOJobFullData class. Contains detailed information about a job.
- (New) LXCOJobSummary class. Contains summary information about a job.
- (New) LXCOJobTarget class. Contains information about the target resource of a job.
- (New) LXCOJobLog class. Contains information about the log attached to this job.
- (New) ManagerInAlert class. Contains information about resource manager that manages the device.
- (New) PCIDevice class. Contains PCI extension card data.
- (New) PCIDeviceLogicalPort class. Contains associated logical port data.
- (New) PCIDevicePhysicalPort class. Contains physical port data.
- (New) ServerDriveInfo class. Contains drive data.
- (New) ServerInventoryInfo class. Contains inventory data for a chassis device.
- (New) ServerMemoryModule class. Contains server memory module data.
- (New) ServerProcessor class. Contains processor data.
- (New) StorageControllerFirmware class. Contains canister firmware data.
- (New) StorageControllerInfo class. Contains storage canister data.
- (New) StorageDriveInfo class. Contains storage-device data.
- (New) StorageEnclosureInfo class. Contains contains storage-canister data.
- (New) StorageInventoryInfo class. Contains inventory data for a storage device.
- (New) SwitchInventoryInfo class. Contains inventory data for a switch device.
- (New) SystemBoardData class. Contains system board data.
Version 1.5
The following cmdlets were added.
- (New) Get-LXCODevices. Returns a list of all managed devices or detailed information about a specific managed device.
- (New) Get-LXCOManagers. Returns a list of all resource managers or detailed information about a specific resource manager that is registered in XClarity Orchestrator.
- (New) Remove-LXCOManager. Starts a job that disconnects (removes) a specific resource manager.
- (New) Get-LXCOFirmwareCatalog. Returns a list of entries in the update catalog, or information about a specific entry in the updates catalog.
- (New) Update-LXCOFirmwareCatalog. Refreshes the updates catalog by downloading information (metadata) about updates that are applicable to your managed resources or downloading specified packages from the Lenovo Support website.
- (New) Get-LXCOUpdatePolicies. Returns a list of update-compliance policies or returns information about a specific update-compliance policy
- (New) Import-LXCOUpdatePolicies. Imports one or more files that contain update-compliance policy definitions, in JSON format. Each file can contain only a single policy
- (New) Install-LXCODeviceFirmwareUpdates. Applies and activates a firmware update on one or more managed servers.
- (New) Install-LXCOResourceManagerUpdates. Applies and activates an update on one or more resource managers.
- (New) Join-LXCOUpdatePolicy. Assigns an update-compliance policy from specific resources
- (New) New-LXCOUpdatePolicy. Creates an update-compliance policy for a specific platform, with one criterion and saves this as a json file. This file can then be updated with other platforms and new criteria.
- Split-LXCOUpdatePolicy. Unassigns an update-compliance policy from specified resources
The following data types were added.
- (New) ComponentCVEDetails class. Contains information about common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) for a specific component.
- (New) DeviceActivationKey class. Contains information about Feature on Demand (FoD) keys that are installed on a specific device.
- (New) DeviceActivationKeyIdentifier class. Contains associative identifier for a Feature on Demand (FoD) key.
- (New) DeviceBladeStatus enum. Contains the blade status for a specific device.
- (New) DeviceConfigCompliance class. Contains information about server-confirmation compliance for a specific device.
- (New) DeviceCVE class. Contains information about a specific common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE).
- (New) DeviceCVEDetails class. Contains information about common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) for a specific device.
- (New) DeviceData class. Contains high-level information about a managed device.
- (New) DeviceDataExtended class. Contains extended information for a specific device.
- (New) DeviceFirmware class. Contains information about specific firmware on a device.
- (New) DeviceFirmwareCatalog class. Contains information about update packages and component.
- (New) DeviceFullData class. Contains detailed information about a device.
- (New) DeviceInfo class. Contains general information about a specific device.
- (New) DeviceLocation class. Contains location information for a specific device.
- (New) DeviceManager class. Contains information about the resource manager that manages a device.
- (New) DeviceParent class. Contains parent information for a specific device.
- (New) DevicePattern class. Contains information about the server-confirmation pattern that is assigned to a specific device.
- (New) DeviceUpdateComponent class. Contains information about firmware update for a specific component.
- (New) DeviceUpdates class. Contains information about firmware updates for a specific device.
- (New) DeviceUpdatesPolicy class. Contains information about the update-compliance policy that is assigned to a specific device.
- (New) DeviceWarranty class. Contains warranty information for a specific device.
- (New) FirmwareCatalogEntry class. Contains information about a component in the updates catalog.
- (New) FirmwareComponent class. Contains information about a firmware component.
- (New) LXCOComponentVerion class. Contains information about the component version.
- (New) ManagerConnection class. Contains information about connection settings for a resource manager.
- (New) ManagerData class. Contains detailed information about a resource manager that is registered in XClarity Orchestrator.
- (New) ManagerDetails class. Contains information about properties of a resource manager.
- (New) ManagerFullData class. Contains high-level information about a resource manager that is registered in XClarity Orchestrator.
- (New) ManagerGroup class. Contains information about a group in which a resource manager is a member.
- (New) ManagerHealthState enum. Contains the health state of a resource manager.
- (New) ManagerNetworkSettings class. Contains information about network settings for a resource manager.
- (New) ManagerOptions class. Contains information about the options for a resource manager.
- (New) ManagerUpdatePolicyState enum. Contains the policy state for a resource-manager update.
- (New) ManagerUpdates class. Contains information about the update history for a resource manager.
- (New) ManagerUpdateComponent class. Contains information about . an update component.
- (New) ManagerUpdatesPolicy class. Contains information about the update-compliance policy that is assigned to a resource manager.
- (New) ManagerUpdateVersion class. Contains information about the version of an update component.
- (New) PlatformComponent class. Contains information about a platform component.
- (New) UpdatePolicyData class. Contains detailed information about an update-compliance policy.
- (New) UpdatePolicyFullData class. Contains detailed information about an update compliance-policy.
- (New) UpdatePolicyPlatform class. Contains about a platform for an update compliance-policy.
- (New) UpdatePolicyPlatformCriteria class. Contains information about criteria for a platform.
Version 1.4
This is the first release of the PowerShell Toolkit.
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