This cmdlet returns a list of all managed devices or detailed information about a specific managed device. When a list is returned, the content of the list can be filtered.
You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.
Get-LXCODevices [-Connection LXCOConnection]
Get-LXCODevices [-Connection LXCOConnection]
-DeviceId String
Get-LXCODevices [-Connection LXCOConnection]
-DeviceType String
[-Status String[]]
[-Connectivity String[]]
[-Power String]
[-IpAddress String[]]
[-Groups String[]]
[-ProductName String[]]
[-TypeModel String[]]
[-FirmwareName String[]]
[-FirmwareBuild String[]]
[-FirmwareVersion String[]]
[-WarrantyStatus String]
[-FirmwareDate String[]]
- -Connection LXCOConnection
- Specifies the connection to the Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator server. If no connection is specified, the result from the last Connect-LXCO cmdlet is used.
- -DeviceID String
- Specifies the ID of the device to return.
- -DeviceType String
- Specifies the type of devices to return. This can be one of the following values.
- Chassis
- Server
- Storage
- Switch
- -Status String[]
- Specifies the health states of devices to return. This can be one or more of the following values, separated by a comma.
- Normal
- Warning
- Critical
- Unknown
- -Connectivity String[]
- Specifies the connectivity status of devices to return. This can be one or more of the following values, separated by a comma.
- Online
- Offline
- OfflineManaged
- Partial
- -Power String
- Specifies the power status of devices to return. This can be one of the following values.
- Off
- On
- -IpAddress String[]
- Specifies one or more full or partial IP addresses (ipV4 or ipV6), separated by a comma. All devices that contain one or more of the specified pattern are returned.
- -Groups String[]
- Specifies tone or more full or partial groups names, separated by a comma. All devices that contain one or more of the specified pattern are returned.
- -ProductName String[]
- Specifies one or more full or partial product names, separated by a comma. All devices that contain one or more of the specified pattern are returned.
- -TypeModel String[]
- Specifies one or more full or partial machine-type models, separated by a comma. All devices that contain one or more of the specified pattern are returned.
- -FirmwareDate String[]
- Specifies the firmware release dates as range, using the following format: <startDate>,<endDate>. The end date is optional. If not specified, the current date is used by default.
- -FirmwareName String[]
- Specifies one or more or partial firmware names, separated by a comma. All devices that contain one or more of the specified pattern are returned.
- -FirmwareBuild String[]
- Specifies one or more or partial firmware builds, separated by a comma. All devices that contain one or more of the specified pattern are returned.
- -FirmwareVersion String[]
- Specifies one or more full or partial firmware versions, separated by a comma. All devices that contain one or more of the specified pattern are returned.
- -WarrantyStatus String
- Specifies the warranty status of devices to return. This can be one of the following values.
- Active
- Expired
- RetrievingData
- NoData
- CommonParameters
- This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -OutVariable. For detailed information about each common parameter, see the Microsoft PowerShell Common Parameters webpage.
- Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.DeviceFullData
If -DeviceID is specified, this cmdlet returns an DeviceFullData object that contains detailed information about the specified devices.
- Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.DeviceDataExtended
If -DeviceType is not specified, this cmdlet returns an array of DeviceDataExtended objects, which contains high-level information for each device.
- Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.DeviceData
If -DeviceID or -DeviceType are not specified, this cmdlet returns an array of DeviceData objects, which contains high-level information for each device.
- Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.RequestStatusMessage
If an error occurred, this cmdlet returns a RequestStatusMessage object that contains information about the reason of the failure.
The following example returns a list of all managed devices that meet specified criteria.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -HostUri -Credential $cred -SkipCertificateCheck
$result = Get-LXCODevices -DeviceType Server `
-Status Critical,Normal,Warning `
-Connectivity Offline,Online `
-IpAddress 10.24 `
-Groups "not_available" `
-ProductName system `
-FirmwareName xcc,imm2 `
-FirmwareDate "5/20/2020"
$result | Format-List
The following example returns a detailed information about a specific device.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -HostUri -Credential $cred -SkipCertificateCheck
$result = Get-LXCODevices -DeviceID 00632D78DE644E23B712E200FE449787-7AF5D198CECF431AAEC674C7CA5A29B5
$result | Format-List
The following example returns list of all managed servers that are in Critical or Warning health state.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -HostUri -Credential $cred -SkipCertificateCheck
$result = Get-LXCODevices -DeviceType servers -Status Critical,Normal
$result | Format-List
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