This cmdlet returns a list of all discovered (but not managed) Lenovo devices.
You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.
Get-LXCODiscoveredDevices [-Connection LXCOConnection]
[-DeviceName String[]]
[-IPAddresses String[]]
[-SerialNumber String[]]
[-TypeModel String[]]
[-Type String[]]
[-DiscoveredBy String[]]
[-JobID String[]]
- -Connection LXCOConnection
- Specifies the connection to the Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator server. If no connection is specified, the result from the last Connect-LXCO cmdlet is used.
- -DeviceName String[]
- Specifies a list of the device names, separated by a comma, for manageable devices to be returned.TipThis cmdlet returns all devices that have names that contain the specified value pattern.
- -IPAddresses String[]
- Specifies the list of the IP addresses, separated by a comma, for manageable devices to be returned.TipThis cmdlet returns all devices that have IP addresses that contain the specified value pattern.
- -SerialNumber String[]
- Specifies a list of the serial numbers, separated by a comma, for manageable devices to be returned.TipThis cmdlet returns all devices that have serial numbers that contain the specified value pattern.
- -TypeModel String[]
- Specifies a list of the machine-type models (MTMs), separated by a comma, for manageable devices to be returned.TipThis cmdlet returns all devices that have machine-type models that contain the specified value pattern.
- -Type String[]
- Specifies a list of the machine types, separated by a comma, for manageable devices to be returned.TipThis cmdlet returns all devices that have machine types that contain the specified value pattern.
- -DiscoveredBy String[]
- Specifies a list of resource manager names, separated by a comma, for that discovered the manageable devices to be returned.TipThis cmdlet returns all devices that were discovered by resource managers with names that contain the specified value pattern.
- -JobID String[]
- Specifies a list of discovery jobs, comma separated, for the devices that should be returned.
- CommonParameters
- This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -OutVariable. For detailed information about each common parameter, see the Microsoft PowerShell Common Parameters webpage.
- Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.Discovery.DiscoveredDeviceData[]
If the request was accepted by the orchestrator server, this cmdlet returns an array of DiscoveredDeviceData objects that contains identification data about the discovered devices.
- Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.RequestStatusMessage
If an error occurred, this cmdlet returns a RequestStatusMessage object that contains information about the reason of the failure.
The following example returns discovered devices that match with the specified criterion.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -HostUri -Credential $cred -SkipCertificateCheck
$devices = Get-LXCODiscoveredDevices -DeviceName "Aby" `
-IPAddresses "32","36" `
-SerialNumber "1U00","456" `
-TypeModel "A00","tb" `
-Type "Server" `
-DiscoveredBy "2.19","2.25" `
-JobID "130","140"
$devices | Format-List
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