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This cmdlet applies and activates an update on one or more resource managers.

You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.


Install-LXCOResourceManagerUpdates [-Connection LXCOConnection]
-PolicyId String

Install-LXCOResourceManagerUpdates [-Connection LXCOConnection]
-ResourceIDs String[]

Install-LXCOResourceManagerUpdates [-Connection LXCOConnection]
-GroupIDs String[]


-Connection LXCAConnection
Specifies the connection to the Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator server. If no connection is specified, the result from the last Connect-LXCO cmdlet is used.
-PolicyId String
Specifies the ID of the update-compliance policy

The update is applied to each resource that is assigned the policy only if the resource is out of compliance with that policy.

-ResourceIDs String[]
Specifies a list of IDs of managers to which to apply the updates

The update is applied to each specified resource only if the resource has an assigned compliance policy and is out of compliance with that policy.

-GroupIDs String[]
Specifies a list of IDs of manger group to which to apply the updates

The update is applied to each resource in the specified groups only if the resource has an assigned compliance policy and is out of compliance with that policy.

This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -OutVariable. For detailed information about each common parameter, see the Microsoft PowerShell Common Parameters webpage.



This example applies updates to the resource managers in the specified group that are out of compliance with their assigned update-compliance policy. The resources are restarted to activate the update. If errors occur during the update, the update continues.

$cred = Get-Credential

Connect-LXCO -HostUri -Credential $cred -SkipCertificateCheck
$result = Install-LXCOResourceManagerUpdates -GroupIDs G_85A42D160E83469B9746B96303597115
