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This cmdlet applies and activates a firmware update on one or more managed servers .

Updating firmware on rack switches is currently not supported.

You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.


Install-LXCODeviceFirmwareUpdates [-Connection LXCOConnection]
-ActivationRule String
-UpdateRule String
-PolicyId String

Install-LXCODeviceFirmwareUpdates [-Connection LXCOConnection]
-ActivationRule String
-UpdateRule String
-ResourceIDs String[]

Install-LXCODeviceFirmwareUpdates [-Connection LXCOConnection]
-ActivationRule String
-UpdateRule String
-GroupIDs String[]


-Connection LXCAConnection
Specifies the connection to the Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator server. If no connection is specified, the result from the last Connect-LXCO cmdlet is used.
Indicates whether to apply the firmware update to selected components even if the current software or firmware version is up to date (in compliance) or to apply a firmware update that is earlier than the one that is currently installed.

If not specified, this cmdlet skips the update on the selected resources if the installed firmware is already compliant or is later than the target version.

If specified, this cmdlet applies the firmware update to the selected resources even if the installed firmware is compliant or later than the target version.

  • A server is flagged as Not Compliant when the installed firmware version of one or more components is earlier or later than the target firmware version in the update-compliance policy. If the installed firmware version is later than the target firmware version, you must select the Force update option when applying the update to downgrade the firmware on the components. If the Force update option is not selected, only target firmware versions that are later than the installed versions are applied.

  • Only certain device options, adapters, and drives support downgrading. See your hardware documentation to determine if downgrading is supported.
-ActivationRule String
Indicates when to activate the update. This can be one of the following values.
  • ImmediateActivation. During the update process, the resource might be restarted automatically several times until the entire process is complete. Ensure that you quiesce all applications on the resource before you proceed.
  • DelayedActivation. (Servers only) Some but not all update operations are performed. Resources must be restarted manually to continue the update process. Additional restarts are then performed until the update operation completes.
  • PrioritizedActivation. (Servers only) Baseboard Management Controller is applied and activated immediately while other firmware is performed in delayed activation mode.
-UpdateRule String
Indicates how to handle errors during the update process. This can be one of the following values.
  • ContinueOnError. If an error occurs when updating one of the components in a resource (such as an adapter or management-controller firmware), the update process does not apply the update for that specific component. However, the orchestrator server continues to update other components for the resource and continues with all other updates in the current update job.
  • AbortOnError. If an error occurs when updating one of the components in a resource (such as an adapter or management-controller firmware), the updates process stops the remaining updates for that specific resource. The current firmware that is installed on that resource remains in effect. However, current update job includes additional resources, the orchestrator server continues to update the remaining resources.
-PolicyId String
Specifies the ID of the update-compliance policy

The update is applied to each resource that is assigned the policy.

-ResourceIDs String[]
Specifies a list of IDs of devices to which to apply the updates

The update is applied to each specified resource only if the resource has an assigned compliance policy.

-GroupIDs String[]
Specifies a list of IDs of device group to which to apply the updates

The update is applied to each resource in the specified groups only if the resource has an assigned compliance policy.

This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -OutVariable. For detailed information about each common parameter, see the Microsoft PowerShell Common Parameters webpage.



This example applies updates to the specified devices that are out of compliance with their assigned update-compliance policy. Some but not all update operations are performed. Resources must be restarted manually to continue the update process. Additional restarts are then performed until the update operation completes. If errors occur during the update, the update continues.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -HostUri -Credential $cred -SkipCertificateCheck

$result = Install-LXCODeviceFirmwareUpdates -ActivationRule DelayedActivation `
-UpdateRule ContinueOnError `
-ResourceIDs 69B926D8279411E89ECB7ED30AEC2017-DF5F931E7CA149928C99E84633EA5E9C


This example applies updates to all non-compliant resources that are assigned to the specified compliance policy. The resources are restarted to activate the update. If errors occur during the update, the update to aborted.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -HostUri -Credential $cred -SkipCertificateCheck

$result = Install-LXCODeviceFirmwareUpdates -ActivationRule ImmediateActivation `
-UpdateRule AbortOnError `
-PolicyId 1636021473202
