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This cmdlet returns information about the firmware compliances for managed devices or registered resource managers.

You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.


Get-LXCOResourcesCompliance [-Connection LXCOConnection]
[-Status String[]]
[-ComplianceStatus String[]]
[-Name String[]]
[-InstalledVersion String[]]
[-BuildNumber String[]]
[-AssignedCompliancePolicy String[]]
[-ComplianceTarget String[]]
[-ComplianceTargetBuildNumber String[]]
[-Groups String[]]

Get-LXCOResourcesCompliance [-Connection LXCOConnection]
[-Status String[]]
[-ComplianceStatus String[]]
[-Name String[]]
[-InstalledVersion String[]]
[-BuildNumber String[]]
[-AssignedCompliancePolicy String[]]
[-ComplianceTarget String[]]
[-ComplianceTargetBuildNumber String[]]
[-Groups String[]]
[-Connectivity String[]]
[-ProductName String[]]
[-MachineType String[]]
[-SerialNumber String[]]


-Connection LXCAConnection
Specifies the connection to the Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator server. If no connection is specified, the result from the last Connect-LXCO cmdlet is used.
When specified, this cmdlet returns updates-compliance details for registered resource managers
When specified, this cmdlet returns firmware-compliance details for managed devices
-Status String[]
Specifies the status of the devices or managers to be returned. This can be one or more of the following values, separated by comma.
  • Critical
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Unknown
-ComplianceStatus String[]
Specifies the compliance status of the devices or managers to be returned. This can be one or more of the following values, separated by comma.
  • CalculatingPolicy
  • Compliant
  • NoPolicyAssigned
  • NotCompliant
-Name String[]
Specifies a list of full or partial name text. All devices or resource managers that contain the specified pattern are returned.
-InstalledVersion String[]
Specifies a list of full or partial version number for updates' components. All devices or resource managers that contain the specified pattern are returned.
-BuildNumber String[]
Specifies a list of full or partial version build number (identifier) for updates' components. All devices or resource managers that contain the specified pattern are returned.
-AssignedCompliancePolicy String[]
Specifies a list of full or partial compliance policy names. All devices or resource managers that contain the specified pattern are returned.
-ComplianceTarget String[]
Specifies a list of full or partial version number for target in updates' components. All devices or resource managers that contain the specified pattern are returned..
-ComplianceTargetBuildNumber String[]
Specifies a list of full or partial build number (identifier) for target in updates' components. All devices or resource managers that contain the specified pattern are returned.
-Groups String[]
Specifies one or more full or partial resource-group names, separated by a comma. All devices or resource managers that contain the specified pattern are returned.
-Connectivity String[]
Specifies the connectivity status of devices to return. This can be one or more of the following values, separated by a comma.
  • Online
  • Offline
  • Partial
-ProductName String[]
Specifies one or more full or partial product names, separated by a comma. A list of all devices that match specified pattern is returned.
-MachineType String[]
Specifies one or more full or partial machine types, separated by a comma. A list of all devices that match specified pattern is returned.
-SerialNumber String[]
Specifies one or more full or partial serial numbers, separated by a comma. A list of all devices that match specified pattern is returned.
This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -OutVariable. For detailed information about each common parameter, see the Microsoft PowerShell Common Parameters webpage.



The following example returns all devices that are not compliant or doesn't have a policy assigned and have Normal or Warning status.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -HostUri "" -Credential $Cred -SkipCertificateCheck

$details = Get-LXCOResourcesCompliance -Devices `
-ComplianceStatus NoPolicyAssigned,NotCompliant `
-Status Normal,Warning
# show the result

The following example returns all resource managers that doesn't have a policy assigned and have Critical status.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -HostUri "" -Credential $Cred -SkipCertificateCheck

$details = Get-LXCOResourcesCompliance -ResourceManagers `
-ComplianceStatus NoPolicyAssigned `
-Status Critical
# show the result
