Use this cmdlet to return high-level data for all jobs or scheduled jobs, or a list of jobs, or detailed information for a specific job.
Get-LXCOJobs [-Connection LXCOConnection]
[-PageOffset Int32]
[-PageLimit Int32]
[-Name String[]]
[-Status String[]]
[-CreatedBy String[]]
[-Category String[]]
[-Target String[]]
[-StartTimestamp String[]]
[-CompleteTimestamp String[]]
[-Progress String[]]
Get-LXCOJobs [-Connection LXCOConnection]
[-IncludeLogs ]
-IDs Int32[]
Get-LXCOJobs [-Connection LXCOConnection]
-JobID Int32
[-ChildrenLevel Int32]
[-IncludeLogs ]
Get-LXCOJobs [-Connection LXCOConnection]
[-ScheduleStatus String[]]
[-CreatedTimestamp String[]]
[-PageOffset Int32]
[-PageLimit Int32]
[-Name String[]]
[-CreatedBy String[]]
[-StartTimestamp String[]]
Get-LXCOJobs [-Connection LXCOConnection]
-ScheduleID String
- -Connection LXCOConnection
- Specifies the connection to the Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator server. If no connection is specified, the result from the last Connect-LXCO cmdlet is used.
- -PageOffset Int32
- Specifies the page offset at which to start the set of job in the servers job’s list to be returned. The default offset is 0.
- -PageLimit Int32
- Specifies the number of jobs to return at one time. The default limit is 10.
- -Name String[]
- Specifies a comma-separated list of full or partial name text. All jobs that contain one or more of the specified patterns are returned.
- -Status String[]
- Specifies a comma-separated list of job statuses. This can be one or more of the following values.
- aborted
- blocked
- cancelled
- cancelledWithErrors
- cancelledWithWarnings
- cancelling
- complete
- completeWithErrors
- completeWithWarnings
- expired
- initializing
- interrupted
- interruptedWithErrors
- interruptedWithWarnings
- investigating
- pending
- resolved
- running
- runningWithErrors
- runningWithWarnings
- skipped
- stopped
- stoppedWithErrors
- stoppedWithWarnings
- unknown
- uploading
- validating
- waiting
- -CreatedBy String[]
- Specifies a comma-separated list of names of users that created the job.
- -Category String[]
- Specifies a comma-separated list of categories. This can be one or more of the following values.
- Backup
- Configuration
- Custom
- Discovery
- Firmware
- Health
- Inventory
- Management
- ManageOSImage
- OsDeployment
- OsDriverUpdates
- OsProfileExport
- Power
- RemoteAccess
- SelfMaintenance
- Service
- SwitchConfiguration
- SystemID
- Updates
- Unknown
- -Target String[]
- Specifies a comma-separated list of full or partial target names. All jobs that contain one or more of the specified patterns are returned.
- -StartTimestamp String[]
- Specifies the job start dates, as range using the following format: {startDate},{endDate}. The end date is optional. If is not specified, the current date is used by default.
- -CompleteTimestamp String[]
- Specifies the job completion dates, as range using the following format: {startDate},{endDate}. The end date is optional. If is not specified, the current date is used by default.
- -Progress String[]
- Specifies a comma-separated list of job progresses as a percentage. The values can be in 0 - 100 range.
- -IncludeLogs
- When specified, the logs for the retrieved jobs are returned, if available.
- -IDs Int32[]
- Specifies a comma-separated list of jobs IDs that are to be returned. High-level data is returned.
- -JobID Int32
- Specifies the job ID that are to be returned. Detailed information is returned.
- -ChildrenLevel Int32
- Specifies the levels of subtasks to return. This can be one of the following values.
- -1. All subtasks are returned.
- 0. (default) No subtasks are returned.
- {number}. The specified level of subtasks is returned.
- -Scheduled
- When specified, all schedules that match the specified filter are returned.
- -ScheduleStatus String[]
Specifies a comma-separated list of schedule statuses. This can be one or more of the following values.
- Cancelled. The schedule was canceled.
- Error. An error prevented the job from running on schedule..
- Launched. The job ran on schedule.
- Pending. The job is scheduled for a later time.
- -CreatedTimestamp String[]
- Specifies the schedule creation timestamps as a range, using the following format: <startDate>,<endDate>. The end timestamp is optional. If is not specified, the current timestamp is used by default.
- -ScheduleID String
- Specifies the schedule ID that is to be returned.
- CommonParameters
- This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -OutVariable. For detailed information about each common parameter, see the Microsoft PowerShell Common Parameters webpage.
- Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.LXCOJob[]
If -JobID is not specified, this cmdlet return an array of LXCOJob objects, that contains high-level information for each job.
- Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.LXCOJobFullData
If -JobID is specified, this cmdlet returns a LXCOJobFullData object, that contains detailed information about a specific job.
- Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.LXCOSchedule[]
If -Scheduled is specified, this cmdlet return an array of LXCOSchedule objects, that contains information for each schedule.
- Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.LXCOSchedule
If -ScheduleID is specified, this cmdlet return a LXCOSchedule object, that contains information about a specific schedule.
- Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.RequestStatusMessage
If an error occurred, this cmdlet returns a RequestStatusMessage object that contains information about the reason of the failure.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -HostUri -Credential $cred -SkipCertificateCheck
$jobs = Get-LXCOJobs -Category Firmware `
-Status RunningWithErrors,RunningWithWarnings `
-Progress 10,50 `
-StartTimestamp "1.10.2022 14:30:00","1.12.2022 11:45:00" `
-CompleteTimestamp "1.10.2022 14:30:00","1.12.2022 11:45:00"
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -HostUri -Credential $cred -SkipCertificateCheck
$jobs = Get-LXCOJobs -IDs 1,4,7,15 -IncludeLogs
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -Host -Credential $cred -SkipCertificateCheck
$job = Get-LXCOJobs -JobID 1 -ChildrenLevel -1 -IncludeLogs
# shows the content of the level 1 subtasks
$job.Children |Format-List
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -HostUri -Credential $cred -SkipCertificateCheck
$jobs = Get-LXCOJobs -Scheduled `
-ScheduleStatus Pending,Cancelled `
-Name "XCC" `
-CreatedBy "user" `
-CreatedTimestamp "3/21/2024 1:40:47 PM","3/27/2024 2:40:47 PM" `
-StartTimestamp "3/27/2024 1:40:47 PM","3/28/2024 2:40:47 PM"
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCO -HostUri -Credential $cred -SkipCertificateCheck
$job = Get-LXCOJobs -ScheduleID 5281489a50a34acda5ce01f2e6077c14