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GET /api/v1/auth/roles

Use this method to return a list of all roles.

This REST API requires Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator v1.3.0 or later.


Authentication with user name and password is required.

Resource URI

GET https://{orchestrator_server_IP}/api/v1/auth/roles

Query parameters

This REST API supports query parameters for paginating, filtering, sorting, including data, and excluding data in the response. For more information about these common query parameters, see Paginating, scoping, filtering, sorting, including data, and excluding data in responses. For a list of supported attributes, see GET /api/v1/auth/roles/{id}.

The following example returns a list of predefined roles.

Request body


Response codes

200OK The request completed successfully. If a single query parameter is specified and the value of that parameter has no matches, the response body returns default values. If a list of query parameters is specified and the value of at least one parameter has no matches, the response body returns only what matches.

Response body

When the request is successful, the following attributes are returned. If the request fails, standard message attributes are returned (see Status messages).

resultsArray of objectsInformation about each role
 idStringRole ID
 descriptionStringRole description
 nameStringRole name
 typeStringRole type (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • custom
  • predefined
 typeKeyStringRole type key. This can be one of the following values.
  • custom
  • predefined
 _linksObjectResource URI (see Links)
_metadataObjectRequest metadata (see Metadata)
The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"results": [{
"id": "A573CEDC",
"description": "Allows user to view only the orchestrator server configuration and view
data for accessible resources.",
"name": "Operator",
"type": "Predefined",
"typeKey": "Predefined",
"_links": [{
"rel": "self",
"uri": "/api/v1/auth/roles/A573CEDC"
"id": "97A7A3BA",
"description": "Allows user to view status and perform certain actions on accessible
resources(such as managing inventory, alerts and service tickets).
This role prohibits users from updating software or firmware on managed
esources, creating resource groups and from customizing analytics.",
"name": "Operator Legacy",
"type": "Predefined",
"typeKey": "Predefined",
"_links": [{
"rel": "self",
"uri": "/api/v1/auth/roles/97A7A3BA"
"id": "B72BE093",
"description": "Allows user to view status, view and customize analytics, and perform
actions on accessible resources. This role prohibits users from updating software or
firmware on managed resources.",
"name": "Hardware Administrator",
"type": "Predefined",
"typeKey": "Predefined",
"_links": [{
"rel": "self",
"uri": "/api/v1/auth/roles/B72BE093"
"id": "09C606ED",
"description": "Allows user to modify security settings and perform security-related
actions on the orchestrator server, view data for accessible resources, and view
predefined analytics.",
"name": "Security Administrator",
"type": "Predefined",
"typeKey": "Predefined",
"_links": [{
"rel": "self",
"uri": "/api/v1/auth/roles/09C606ED"
"id": "016C2E7E",
"description": "Allows user to view data about and perform all available actions on the
orchestrator server and all managed resources (resource managers and devices). Users that
are assigned this role always have access to all managed resources. You cannot restrict
access to resources for this role.",
"name": "Supervisor",
"type": "Predefined",
"typeKey": "Predefined",
"_links": [{
"rel": "self",
"uri": "/api/v1/auth/roles/016C2E7E"
"id": "4383E7BF",
"name": "Updates Administrator",
"description": "Allows user to manage the updates repository, create update-compliance
policies, deploy those policies to managed resources, view data for accessible resources,
and view predefined analytics.",
"type": "Predefined",
"typeKey": "Predefined",
"_links": [{
"rel": "self",
"uri": "/api/v1/auth/roles/4383E7BF"
"_metadata": {...}