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GET /api/v1/boarding/devices/{id}

Use this method to return information about a specific discovered (but not managed) Lenovo device with or without baseboard management controllers.

This REST API requires Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator v2.0 or later.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Resource URI

GET https://{orchestrator_server_IP}/api/v1/boarding/devices/{id}

where {id} is the ID of the discovered device. To obtain the discovered device IDs, use GET /api/v1/boarding/devices.

Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200OK The request completed successfully. If a single query parameter is specified and the value of that parameter has no matches, the response body returns default values. If a list of query parameters is specified and the value of at least one parameter has no matches, the response body returns only what matches.
206Partial ContentPartial content was returned for a multi-part response. The response header includes a content-range header field indicating the range that is included in the response body for each part.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

When the request is successful, the following attributes are returned. If the request fails, standard message attributes are returned (see Status messages).

idStringDevice ID
The device ID is made up of the UUID of the device and the UUID of the resource manager that manages the device, separated by a dash.
accessStateStringAccess state of the device (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • Online
  • Offline
  • Offline Managed
  • Partial
  • Pending
  • Unknown
accurateHealthBooleanIndicates whether the health status is accurate. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The accessState is Offline Managed, Online, or partial.
  • false. The acccessState is Offline, Pending, or Unknown.
canistersArray of objects(Storage devices only) Information about each canister in the device
 idStringCanister ID
cmmDisplayNameStringChassis name
cmmHealthStateStringHealth state (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Non-Critical
  • Warning
  • Minor-Failure
  • Major-Failure
  • Non-Recoverable
  • Critical
  • Unknown
cmmsArray of objects(Chassis only) Information about each CMM
 accessStateStringAccess state (translated) of the chassis. This can be one of the following values.
  • Online
  • Offline
  • Offline Managed
  • Partial
  • Pending
  • Unknown
 accessStateKeyStringAccess state key of the chassis. This can be one of the following values.
  • Online
  • Offline
  • Offline Managed
  • Partial
  • Pending
  • Unknown
 accurateHealthBooleanIndicates whether the health status is accurate. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The accessState is Offline Managed, Online, or partial.
  • false. The acccessState is Offline, Pending, or Unknown.
 backedByStringIndicates whether the data is from a real or demo server. This can be one of the following values.
  • real. The inventory describes real hardware.
  • demo. The inventory describes demo (mock) hardware.
  • proxy. A proxy is temporarily serving to provide the inventory.
 cmmDisplayNameStringDisplay name provided by the CMM
 cmmHealthStateStringHealth summary that corresponds to the highest event severity of all the devices. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Critical
  • Unknown
 dataHandleLongTime stamp of the last status update
 descriptionStringDescription that was provided by the CMM
 domainNameStringUser-defined domain name
 dnsHostnamesArray of strings 
 errorFieldsArray of objectsError code. This can be one of the following values.
 excludedHealthStateStringHighest severity alert with exclusions. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Critical
  • Unknown
 firmwareArray of objectsInformation about CMM firmware
  buildStringFirmware build
  classificationsArray of integersFirmware type codes
  dateStringFirmware date
  nameStringFirmware name
  revisionStringFirmware revision
  roleStringFirmware role. This can be one of the following values.
  • Primary
  • Backup
  • Temporary
  • Permanent
  softwareIDStringFirmware ID
  statusStringFirmware status. This can be one of the following values.
  • Active
  • Inactive
  typeStringFirmware type, such as UEFI, MP, or DSA
  versionStringFirmware version
 FRUStringCMM FRU part number
 fruSerialNumberStringCMM FRU serial number
 hostConfigArray of objectsInformation about host configuration
  DDNSenabledBooleanIdentifies whether dynamic DNS enabled. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Dynamic DNS is enabled.
  • false. Dynamic DNS is disabled.
  DNSenabledBooleanIdentifies whether DNS enabled. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. DNS is enabled.
  • false. DNS is disabled.
  IPversionPriorityStringIP version priority. This can be one of the following values
  • IPv6ThenIPv4
  • IPv4ThenIPv6
  priIPv4userDNSserverStringPrimary user assigned IPv4 DNS server
  priIPv6userDNSserverStringPrimary user assigned IPv6 DNS server
  secIPv4userDNSserverStringSecondary user assigned IPv4 DNS server
  secIPv6userDNSserverStringSecondary user assigned IPv6 DNS server
  terIPv4userDNSserverStringTertiary user assigned IPv4 DNS server
  terIPv6userDNSserverStringTernary user assigned IPv6 DNS server
 hostnameStringUser-defined hostname
 ipInterfacesArray of objectsInformation about each IP interface
  IPv4assignmentsArray of objectsInformation about each IPv4 assignment
   idIntegerIPv4 assignment ID
   addressStringIPv4 address
   gatewayStringIPv4 gateway
   subnetStringIPv4 subnet mask
   typeStringType of the IPv4 assignment. This can be one of the following values.
  IPv4DHCPmodeStringIP address assignment method. This can be one of the following values.
  IPv4enabledBooleanIdentifies whether IPv4 is enabled. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. IPv4 is enabled.
  • false. IPv4 is disabled.
  IPv6assignmentsArray of objectsInformation about each IPv6 assignment
   idIntegerIPv6 assignment ID
   addressStringIPv6 address
   gatewayStringIPv6 gateway
   prefixIntegerIPv6 prefix
   scopeStringScope of the IPv6 assignment. This can be one of the following values.
  • Global
  • LinkLocal
  • Unknown
   sourceStringSource of the IPv6 assignment. This can be one of the following values.
  • DHCP
  • Statelesss
  • Static
  • Other
  • Unknown
   typeStringType of the IPv6 assignment. This can be one of the following values.
  IPv6DHCPenabledBooleanIdentifies whether IPv6 DHCP is enabled. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. IPv6 DHCP is enabled.
  • false. IPv6 DHCP is disabled.
  IPv6enabledBooleanIdentifies whether IPv6 is enabled. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. IPv6 is enabled.
  • false. IPv6 is disabled.
  IPv6statelessEnabledBooleanIdentifies whether IPv6 stateless is enabled. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. IPv6 stateless is enabled.
  • false. IPv6 stateless is disabled.
  IPv6staticEnabledBooleanIdentifies whether IPv6 static is enabled. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. IPv6 static is enabled.
  • false. IPv6 static is disabled.
 ipv4AddressesArray of stringsList of IPv4 addresses
 ipv6AddressesArray of stringsList of IPV6 addresses
 ledsArray of objectsInformation about server LEDs
  colorStringLED color. This can be one of the following values.
  • Red
  • Amber
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Unknown
  locationStringLED location. This can be one of the following values.
  • Front panel
  • Lightpath Card
  • Planar
  • FRU
  • Rear Panel
  • Unknown
  nameStringLED name
  stateStringLED state. This can be one of the following values.
  • Off
  • On
  • Blinking
  • Unknown
 macAddressesArray of stringsList of MAC addresses
 machineTypeStringServer machine type
 manufacturerIdStringManufacturer ID
 mgmtProcIPaddressStringIP address used by XClarity Orchestrator to manage this resource
 modelStringCMM model
 nameStringName that is displayed in the user interface for this device
 overallHealthStateStringHighest severity of all alerts. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Critical
  • Unknown
 overallHealthStateKeyStringHighest severity key. This can be one of the following values.
  • normal
  • warning
  • critical
  • unknown
 parentObjectInformation about the parent device
  uriStringParent URI
  uuidStringParent UUID
 partNumberStringCMM part number
  maximumAllocatedPowerLongMaximum power that is allocated
  minimumAllocatedPowerLongMinimum power that is allocated
 productIdStringCMM product ID
 roleStringRole of the CMM. This can be one of the following values.
  • primary
  • backup
 serialNumberStringCMM serial number
 slotsArray of integersCMM primary slot
 typeStringResource type. This value is always CMM.
 userDefinedNameStringUser-defined name for the device
 userDescriptionStringDescription that was defined by the user
 uriStringCMM URI
 uuidStringCMM UUID
deviceInfoObjectInformation about the device
 domainNameStringDomain name
 entitleSerialNumberStringEntitled serial number
 groupsArray of stringsList of IDs for groups that include this device
  idStringGroups ID
  nameStringGroup name
  typeStringGroup type
  uriStringGroup URI
 healthStatusStringHighest severity of all alerts (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Critical
  • Unknown
 ipv4AddressesArray of stringsList of IPv4 addresses
 ipv6AddressesArray of stringsList of IPV6 addresses
 locationObjectInformation about the location of the server or Flex System storage device
  lowestRackUnitIntegerLowest rack unit
 machineTypeStringMachine type
 modelStringDevice model
 powerStatusStringPower status (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • Off
  • On
  • Standby
  • Unknown
 productNameStringProduct name
 serialNumberStringDevice serial number
 userDefinedNameStringUser-defined name for the device
 uuidStringDevice UUID
 _uiObjectInformation about web-interface-specific attributes.
  healthStatusKeyStringSeverity key of the highest severity of all devices. This can be one of the following values.
  • normal
  • warning
  • critical
  • unknown
  powerStatusKeyStringPower status key. This can be one of the following values:
  • off
  • on
  • standby
  • unknown
deviceNameStringDevice name
deviceTypeStringDevice name
discoveredByArray of objectsInformation about each resource manager that discovered this device
 idStringManager ID
 nameStringManager name
 uriStringManager URI
displayNameStringDisplay name
driveBaysStringDomain name
drivesIntegerNumber of drive bays
 bayIntegerDrive bay
 blockSizeIntegerBlock size
 capacityLongDrive capacity
 diskStateStringDisk-drive state
 firmwareArray of objectsInformation about add-in card firmware
  buildStringFirmware build
  classificationsArray of integersFirmware type codes
  dateStringFirmware date
  nameStringFirmware name
  revisionStringFirmware revision
  roleStringFirmware role. This can be one of the following values.
  • Primary
  • Backup
  • Temporary
  • Permanent
  softwareIDStringFirmware ID
  statusStringFirmware status. This can be one of the following values.
  • Active
  • Inactive
  typeStringFirmware type, such as UEFI, MP, or DSA
  versionStringFirmware version
 healthStateStringHighest severity of all alerts. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Critical
  • Unknown
 healthStateKeyStringHighest severity key. This can be one of the following values.
  • normal
  • warning
  • critical
  • unknown
 interfaceTypeString(ThinkServer servers only) Drive interface type
 m2LocationString(M.2 drives only) Location of M.2 drive and bay
 mediaTypeStringMedia type
 nameStringDrive name
 numberOfBlocksIntegerNumber of blocks
 partNumberStringPart number
 remainingLifeIntegerIndicate the amount of life that remains for a solid-state drive (SSD). This can be one of the following values.
  • 0 – 100. Percent of remaining life
  • -1. Unknown (default)
  • -2. Information is not available
  • -3. The drive is not an SSD
 serialNumberStringSerial number
 temperatureStringDevice temperature
 uuidStringStorage device UUID
drivesInstalledInteger(Storage devices only) Number of installed drives
enclosureFormFactorStringForm factor of the chassis. This can be one of the following values.
  • dense-computing
  • edge-computing
  • rack-tower
excludedHealthStateStringHighest severity alert with exclusions. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Non-Critical
  • Warning
  • Minor-Failure
  • Major-Failure
  • Non-Recoverable
  • Critical
  • Unknown
firmwareArray of objectsInformation about each firmware
 buildStringFirmware build
 dateStringFirmware date
 versionStringFirmware version
fruNumberStringDevice FRU number
groupsArray of objectsInformation about each group that include this device
 idStringGroup ID
 nameStringGroup name
 uriStringGroup URI
ipv4AddressesArray of stringsList of IPv4 addresses that are assigned to this device
ipv6AddressesArray of stringsList of IPv6 addresses that are assigned to this device
jobIdIntegerID of the job through which this device was discovered
locationObjectInformation about the location of the server or Flex System storage device
 lowestRackUnitIntegerLowest rack unit
machineTypeStringDevice machine type
managementProcessorStringManagement controller type. This can be one of the following values.
  • integrated-management-module
  • integrated-management-module2
  • lenovo-xclarity-controller
  • chassis-management-module
mgmtProcTypeStringType of management controller. This can be one of the following values.
  • FSP
  • IMM2
  • XCC
  • XCC2
modelStringDevice model
mtmStringDevice machine type and model, separate by a forward slash (for example, 8387/AC1
nameStringName that is displayed in the user interface for this device
overallHealthStateStringHighest severity of all devices (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Critical
  • Unknown
powerStatusStringPower status (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • Off
  • On
  • Standby
  • Unknown
powerSuppliesArray of objects(Rack servers only) Information about power supplies
 cmmDisplayNameStringAssigned component name
 cmmHealthStateStringHealth state (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Critical
  • Unknown
 dataHandleLongTime stamp of the last status update
 descriptionStringAssigned component description
 excludedHealthStateStringHighest severity alert with exclusions. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Critical
  • Unknown
 firmwareArray of objectsInformation about firmware
  buildStringFirmware build
  classificationsArray of integersFirmware type codes
  dateStringFirmware date
  nameStringFirmware name
  revisionStringFirmware revision
  roleStringFirmware role. This can be one of the following values.
  • Primary
  • Backup
  • Temporary
  • Permanent
  softwareIDStringFirmware ID
  statusStringFirmware status. This can be one of the following values.
  • Active
  • Inactive
  typeStringFirmware type, such as UEFI, MP, or DSA.
  versionStringFirmware version
 FRUStringFRU part number
 fruSerialNumberStringFRU serial number
 hardwareRevisionStringHardware revision
 healthStateStringHealth state (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Critical
  • Unknown
 healthStateKeyStringHealth state key. This can be one of the following values.
  • normal
  • warning
  • critical
  • unknown
 inputVoltageIsACBooleanIdentifies whether the input voltage is ac or dc. This can be one of the following values. The value is valid only if inputVoltageMin and inputVoltageMax are valid.
  • true. ac
  • false. dc
 inputVoltageMaxIntegerMaximum input voltage

A value of -1 mean it has not been set yet.

 inputVoltageMinIntegerMinimum input voltage

A value of -1 means it has not been set yet.

 ledsArray of objectsInformation about power-supply LEDs.
  colorStringLED color. This can be one of the following values.
  • Red
  • Amber
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Unknown
  locationStringLED location. This can be one of the following values.
  • Front panel
  • Lightpath Card
  • Planar
  • FRU
  • Rear Panel
  • Unknown
  nameStringLED name
  stateStringLED state. This can be one of the following values.
  • Off
  • On
  • Blinking
  • Unknown
 machineTypeStringMachine type
 manufactureDateStringManufacture date
 manufacturerStringManufacturer name
 manufacturerIdStringManufacturer ID
 modelStringPower-supply model
 nameStringUser-defined name, if available. Otherwise, this is one of the following values.
  • component name
  • serial number
  • UUID
 overallHealthState Highest severity of all power supplies(translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Critical
  • Unknown
 overallHealthStateKey Highest severity key. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Critical
  • Unknown
 parentObjectInformation about the parent device, if applicable
  uriStringParent URI
  uuidStringParent UUID
 partNumberStringPart number
 posIDStringPosition ID
 powerAllocationObjectInformation about the power allocation
  totalInputPowerLongTotal input power
  totalOutputPowerLongTotal output power
 powerStateStringCurrent power state of the power supply. This can be one of the following values.
  • Off
  • On
  • ShuttingDown
  • Standby
  • Hibernate
  • Unknown
 productIdStringProduct ID
 productNameStringProduct name
 serialNumberStringSerial number
 slotsArrayPower-supply primary slot
 typeStringResource type. This value is always PowerSupply
 userDescriptionStringUser description
 vpdIDStringVPD ID
productNameStringProduct name
securityDescriptorObjectInformation about the authentication enablement and support the associated stored credentials for a managed device
 identityManagementSystemEnabledBooleanIndicates whether to use an identity-management system for authentication. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. An identity-management system is to authenticate this device.
  • false. An identity-management system is not used to authenticate this device. In this case, either manually entered credentials or stored credentials must be used.
    Identity management systems can be used to authenticate only ThinkSystem and ThinkAgile servers.
 managedAuthEnabledBooleanIndicates whether the device uses managed authentication. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The device uses managed authentication.
  • false. The device uses local authentication.
 managedAuthSupportedBooleanIndicates whether the device supports the ability to choose whether managed authentication is to be used. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. This device supports the ability to choose managed authentication.
  • false. This device does not support the ability to choose managed authentication.
 publicAccessBooleanIndicates whether the device can be accessed by all role groups. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The resource can be access by all role group.
  • false. The resource is restricted to specific role groups.
 roleGroupsArray of stringsList of role groups that are permitted to view and manage this device
 storedCredentialsobjectInformation about the stored credential that is associated with this device, if applicable
  idStringDescription of the stored credential
  descriptionStringID of the stored credential
  userNameStringName of the stored credential
 uriStringURI of the device
serialNumberStringDevice serial number
server-typeStringServer type. This can be one of the following values.
  • ITE. Flex System server
  • DenseChassis
  • Edge Server. ThinkSystem SE server
  • NeXtScale. NeXtScale server
  • Rack-Tower Server. ThinkAgile, ThinkSystem SD, ThinkSystem SR, ThinkSystem ST , Converged, System x
statusObjectInformation about management status
 nameStringStatus. This is always UNMANAGED.
 messageStringStatus message. This is always Unmanaged.
systemBoardObjectInformation about the system board
 machineTypeStringDevice machine type
 modelStringDevice model
 productNameStringProduct name
 serialNumberStringDevice serial number
 uuidStringDevice UUID
typeStringResource type (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • chassis
  • server
  • storage
  • switch
userDefinedNameStringUser-defined name for the device
uuidStringDevice UUID
_idStringDevice internal ID
_linksObjectDevices URI (see Links)
_rawDeviceDataObjectRaw data about the device data from the resource manager
_uiObjectInformation about web-interface-specific attributes
 overallHealthStateKeyStringSeverity key of the highest severity of all devices. This can be one of the following values.
  • normal
  • warning
  • critical
  • unknown
 powerStatusKeyStringPower status key. This can be one of the following values.
  • off
  • on
  • standby
  • unknown
The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"id": "ABC31213310B11EAAC96A252EC8212C0-1CB64754EA1543E0AAAA46C1D45CD549",
"accurateHealth": true,
"deviceInfo": {
"domainName": null,
"entitleSerialNumber": null,
"healthStatus": "Unknown",
"hostname": "XCC-SR665",
"ipv4Addresses": [""],
"ipv6Addresses": ["fd55:faaf:e1ab:21bb::125","fe80::a94:efff:feaa:9393"],
"location": null,
"machineType": "7D2W",
"model": "RCZ000",
"powerStatus": "Off",
"productName": null,
"serialNumber": "1234567890",
"userDefinedName": null,
"uuid": "ABC31213310B11EAAC96A252EC8212C0",
"_ui": {
"powerStatusKey": "Off",
"healthStatusKey": "Unknown"
"deviceName": "Steel-AMD-53-125",
"discoveredBy": [{
"id": "1CB64754EA1543E0AAAA46C1D45CD549",
"name": "",
"uri": "/api/v1/managers-management/managers/1CB64754EA1543E0AAAA46C1D45CD549"
"displayName": "Steel-AMD-53-125",
"enclosureFormFactor": "rack-tower",
"firmware": [],
"fruNumber": "02YE183",
"groups": [],
"hostname": "XCC-SR665",
"ipv4Addresses": [""],
"ipv6Addresses": ["fd55:faaf:e1ab:21bb::125","fe80::a94:efff:feaa:9393"],
"jobId": 29,
"model": "RCZ000",
"machineType": "7D2W",
"managementProcessor": "lenovo-xclarity-controller",
"mtm": "7D2W/RCZ000",
"name": "Steel-AMD-53-125",
"overallHealthState": "Unknown",
"powerStatus": "Off",
"productName": null,
"serialNumber": "1234567890",
"server-type": "Rack-Tower Server",
"systemBoard": {
"machineType": "7D2W",
"model": "RCZ000",
"productName": null,
"serialNumber": "1234567890",
"uuid": "ABC31213310B11EAAC96A252EC8212C0"
"type": "server",
"uuid": "ABC31213310B11EAAC96A252EC8212C0",
"_id": "62c6e4632d1860bf666e12c6",
"_links": {
"rel": "self",
"uri": "/api/v1/boarding/devices/ABC31213310B11EAAC96A252EC8212C0-1CB64754EA1543E0AAAA46C1D45CD549"
"_rawDeviceData": {
"displayName": "Steel-AMD-53-125",
"enclosureFormFactor": "rack-tower",
"firmware": [{
"build": "D8BT37L",
"date": "2022-04-20",
"version": "4.10"
"build": "D8E101P",
"date": "2019-12-26",
"version": "1.00"
"fruNumber": "02YE183",
"hostname": "XCC-SR665",
"ipAddresses": ["","fd55:faaf:e1ab:21bb::125","fe80::a94:efff:feaa:9393"],
"machineType": "7D2W",
"managementPorts": [{
"enabled": false,
"port": 5988,
"protocol": "cimxml-http"
"enabled": true,
"port": 443,
"protocol": "https"
"managementProcessor": "lenovo-xclarity-controller",
"model": "RCZ000",
"name": "Steel-AMD-53-125",
"securityDescriptor": {
"managedAuthEnabled": true,
"managedAuthSupported": true,
"publicAccess": false,
"roleGroups": [],
"uri": "nodes/ABC31213310B11EAAC96A252EC8212C0"
"serialNumber": "1234567890",
"server-type": "Rack-Tower Server",
"status": {
"manageable": true,
"message": "Unmanaged",
"name": "UNMANAGED"
"subType": "",
"type": "server",
"uuid": "ABC31213310B11EAAC96A252EC8212C0"
"_ui": {
"overallHealthStateKey": "Unknown",
"powerStatusKey": "Off"