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POST /api/v1/boarding/management

Use this method to directly manage discovered devices with or without baseboard management controllers.

When you manage a chassis, all devices in the chassis are managed. You cannot manage individual devices in a chassis.

Before managing a device, the devices must have been previously discovered using the POST /api/v1/boarding/discovery method.

An asynchronous job is created to complete this request. The response header returns the job URI and job ID.

A successful response code indicates that the job was successfully transmitted and accepted by the hub. It does not indicate that the operation that is associated with the job was successful. If a job was not successfully started, refer to the response code and response body for details.

This REST API requires Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator v2.0 or later.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Resource URI

POST https://{orchestrator_server_IP}/api/v1/boarding/management

Query parameters


Request body

Table 1. Manage discovered devices.
AttributesRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
chassisOptionalObjectInformation about the chassis to be managed
 configRequiredObjectInformation about chassis configuration
  forceManageOptionalBooleanIndicates whether to force management of the chassis. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Force management.
  • false. (default) Do not force management.
Use the force-management option only if you previously attempted to manage the device and management was not successful due to one of the following error conditions.
  • If the managing resource manager failed and cannot be recovered.

    If the replacement resource manager instance uses the same IP address as the failed resource manager, you can manage the device again using the RECOVERY_ID account and password (if applicable) and the Force management option.

  • If the managing resource manager was taken down before the devices were unmanaged.
  • If the devices were not unmanaged successfully.
Devices can be managed by only one resource manager at a time. Management by multiple resource manager is not supported. If a device is managed by one resource manager, and you want to manage it with another resource manager, you must first unmanage the device from the original resource manager, and then manage it with the new resource manager.
  newPasswordOptionalStringNew password to be used for managed authentication
  passwordRequiredStringCurrent password to access the chassis
  recoveryPasswordRequiredStringRecovery password to be used for the chassis
  usernameRequiredStringUser ID to be used to access the chassis
 idsOptionalArray of stringsList of IDs of chassis to be managed
  managerIdOptionalStringManager identifier
  resourceIdOptionalStringResource identifier
serversOptionalObjectInformation about the servers to be managed
 configRequiredObjectInformation about server configuration
  forceManageOptionalBooleanIndicates whether to force management of the servers. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Force management.
  • false. (default) Do not force management.
Use the force-management option only if you previously attempted to manage the device and management was not successful due to one of the following error conditions.
  • If the managing resource manager failed and cannot be recovered.

    If the replacement resource manager instance uses the same IP address as the failed resource manager, you can manage the device again using the RECOVERY_ID account and password (if applicable) and the Force management option.

  • If the managing resource manager was taken down before the devices were unmanaged.
  • If the devices were not unmanaged successfully.
Devices can be managed by only one resource manager at a time. Management by multiple resource manager is not supported. If a device is managed by one resource manager, and you want to manage it with another resource manager, you must first unmanage the device from the original resource manager, and then manage it with the new resource manager.
  newPasswordOptionalStringNew password to be used for managed authentication
  passwordRequiredStringCurrent password to access the servers
  recoveryPasswordOptionalStringRecovery password to be used for the servers
  usernameRequiredStringUser ID to be used to access the servers
 idsOptionalArray of stringsList of IDs of servers to be managed
  managerIdOptionalStringManager identifier
  resourceIdOptionalStringResource identifier
storageOptionalObjectInformation about the storage devices to be managed
 configRequiredObjectInformation about storage-device configuration
  forceManageOptionalBooleanIndicates whether to force management of the storage device. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Force management.
  • false. (default) Do not force management.
Use the force-management option only if you previously attempted to manage the device and management was not successful due to one of the following error conditions.
  • If the managing resource manager failed and cannot be recovered.

    If the replacement resource manager instance uses the same IP address as the failed resource manager, you can manage the device again using the RECOVERY_ID account and password (if applicable) and the Force management option.

  • If the managing resource manager was taken down before the devices were unmanaged.
  • If the devices were not unmanaged successfully.
Devices can be managed by only one resource manager at a time. Management by multiple resource manager is not supported. If a device is managed by one resource manager, and you want to manage it with another resource manager, you must first unmanage the device from the original resource manager, and then manage it with the new resource manager.
  passwordRequiredStringCurrent password to access the storage device
  usernameRequiredStringUser ID to be used to access the storage device
 idsOptionalArray of stringsList of IDs of storage devices to be managed
  managerIdOptionalStringManager identifier
  resourceIdOptionalStringResource identifier
The following example manages multiple devices.
"chassis": {
"config": {
"forceManage": false,
"newPassword": "************",
"password": "************",",
"recoveryPassword": "************",
"username": " User1"
"ids": [
"servers": {
"config": {
"forceManage": false,
"newPassword": "************",
"password": "************",
"recoveryPassword": "************",
"username": "User1"
"ids": [
"storage": {
"forceManage": false,
"password": "************",
"username": "User1"
"ids": [
Table 2. Manage and discover servers in bulk.
AttributesRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
managerIDRequiredStringID of the resource manager to use to manage servers in bulk
serversRequiredObjectInformation about the servers to be managed
 configRequiredObjectInformation about server configuration
  forceManageOptionalBooleanIndicates whether to force management of the servers. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Force management.
  • false. (default) Do not force management.
Use the force-management option only if you previously attempted to manage the device and management was not successful due to one of the following error conditions.
  • If the managing resource manager failed and cannot be recovered.

    If the replacement resource manager instance uses the same IP address as the failed resource manager, you can manage the device again using the RECOVERY_ID account and password (if applicable) and the Force management option.

  • If the managing resource manager was taken down before the devices were unmanaged.
  • If the devices were not unmanaged successfully.
Devices can be managed by only one resource manager at a time. Management by multiple resource manager is not supported. If a device is managed by one resource manager, and you want to manage it with another resource manager, you must first unmanage the device from the original resource manager, and then manage it with the new resource manager.
  ipAddressesRequiredArray of stringsList of IP addresses for servers that you want to manage in bulk
  newPasswordOptionalStringNew password to be used for managed authentication
  passwordRequiredStringCurrent password to access the servers
  recoveryPasswordOptionalStringRecovery password to be used for the servers
  usernameRequiredStringUser ID to be used to access the servers
The following example manages and discovers devices in bulk.
"managerID": "F95463A1A4AB4187A76553F0E2B1DEB2",
"servers": {
"config": {
"forceManage": true,
"ipAddresses": ["192.02.7", ""],
"newPassword": "Func2test",
"password": "Func2test",
"recoveryPassword": "Func2test",
"username": "userid"

Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response header

The URI and ID of the root job are returned in the Location and JobID fields respectively.

Response body

{message_attributes}variesStatus messages (see Status messages)