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POST /api/v1/connector/managers

Use this method to connect (register) one or more resource managers.

This REST API will be deprecated in a future release. Use POST /api/v1/managers-management/managers instead.

A job is created to complete this request. The response header returns the URI for the job in the Location field.

A successful response code indicates that the job was successfully transmitted and accepted by the orchestrator. It does not indicate that the operation that is associated with the job was successful. If a job was not successfully started, refer to the response code and response body for details.

You must be a member of a user group to which the predefined Supervisor role is assigned.


Authentication with user name and password is required.

Resource URI

POST https://{orchestrator_server_IP}/api/v1/connector/managers

Query parameters


Request body

Table 1. Lenovo XClarity Administrator resource managers.
AttributesRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
managersRequiredArray of objectsInformation about each resource manager
 authenticationRequiredObjectInformation about authentication settings
  passwordRequiredStringPassword to use for basic authentication
  typeRequiredStringAuthentication type. This is always basic.
  usernameRequiredStringUser name to use for basic authentication
 connectionRequiredObjectInformation about connection settings
  hostnameRequiredStringResource manager host name
  portRequiredIntegerResource manager port
 optionsRequiredObjectInformation about options
  enableDriveAnalyticsDataRequiredBooleanIndicates whether drive analytics data collection is enabled. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Drive analytics data collection is enabled.
  • false. Drive analytics data collection is disabled.
This attribute is supported by XClarity Administrator v3.3 and later.
 typeRequiredStringType of resource manager. This is always XClarity Administrator.
Table 2. Schneider Electric EcoStruxure IT Expert resource managers.
AttributesRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
managersRequiredArray of objectsInformation about each resource manager
 authenticationRequiredObjectInformation about authentication settings
  tokenRequiredStringToken value
  typeRequiredStringAuthentication type. This is always token.
 connectionOptionalObjectInformation about connection settings
  urlOptionalStringResource manager URL
 nameRequiredStringResource manager name
 typeRequiredStringType of resource manager. This is always Schneider EcoStruxure IT.
Table 3. VMware vRealize Operations Manager resource managers.
AttributesRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
managersRequiredArray of objectsInformation about each resource manager
 authenticationRequiredObjectInformation about authentication settings
  passwordRequiredStringPassword to use for basic authentication
  usernameRequiredStringUser name to use for basic authentication
 authSourceOptionalStringName of the authentication source for users and groups

To obtain a list of available authorization sources, use GET /api/v1/connector/vrealizeAuthSources.

 connectionRequiredObjectInformation about connection settings
  hostnameRequiredStringResource manager host name
  portRequiredIntegerResource manager port
 typeRequiredStringType of resource manager. This is always vRealize Operations Manager
The following example connects to XClarity Administrator, EcoStruxure IT Expert, and vRealize Operations Manager resource manager.
"managers": [{
"authentication": {
"password": "CME44len",
"type": "basic",
"username": "USERID"
"connection": {
"hostname": "",
"port": 443
"options": {
"enableDriveAnalyticsData": true
"type": "XClarity Administrator"
"authentication": {
"token": "AK1/2sixskmmc06wj/1i6v3epcz5c25rc29jv1t00hce1pjahyobux63 ",
"type": "token"
"connection": {
"url": ""
"name": "Croco 1",
"type": "Schneider EcoStruxure IT"
"authentication": {
"password": "********",
"username": "USERID"
"authSource": "All vCenter Servers",
"connection": {
"hostname": "",
"port": 443
"type": "vRealize Operations Manager"

Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response header

The URI and ID of the root job are returned in the Location and JobID fields respectively, for example:
Location: /api/v1/jobs-management/jobs/56?childrenLevels=-1
jobID: 56

Response body

{message_attributes}variesStatus messages (see Status messages)