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GET /api/v1/data/devices/{id}/pciDevices

Use this method to return PCI-device information for a specific device.


Authentication with user name and password is required.

Resource URI

GET https://{orchestrator_server_IP}/api/v1/data/devices/{id}/pciDevices

where {id} is the ID of the device. To obtain the device IDs, use GET /api/v1/data/devices.

Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
404Not foundThe resource cannot be found. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

When the request is successful, the following attributes are returned. If the request fails, standard message attributes are returned (see Status messages).

pciDevicesArray of objectsInformation about each PCI device
 classStringClass (basic function) of the PCI device. This can be one of the following values.
  • Bridge
  • Communication controller
  • Coprocessor
  • Display controller
  • Docking station
  • Encryption controller
  • Generic system peripheral
  • Input device controller
  • Intelligent controller
  • Mass storage controller
  • Memory controller
  • Multimedia controller
  • Network controller
  • Non-Essential Instrumentation
  • Processing accelerators
  • Processor
  • Satellite communications controller
  • Serial bus controller
  • Signal processing controller
  • Unassigned class
  • Unclassified device
  • Unknown device
  • Wireless controller
 firmwareArray of objectsFlash storage firmware properties
  buildStringFirmware build
  classificationsArray of integersFirmware type codes
  dateStringFirmware date
  nameStringFirmware name
  revisionStringFirmware revision
  roleStringFirmware role. This can be one of the following values.
  • Primary
  • Backup
  • Temporary
  • Permanent
  softwareIDStringFirmware ID
  statusStringFirmware status. This can be one of the following values.
  • Active
  • Inactive
  typeStringFirmware type, such as UEFI, MP, or DSA
  versionStringFirmware version
 fodUniqueIDStringFoD unique ID
 isAddOnCardBooleanIdentifies whether the device is an add-on card. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The device is an add-on card
  • false. The device is not an add-on card
 isAgentlessBooleanIdentifies whether the device is agentless. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The device is agentless.
  • false. The device is not agentless.
 isPLDMUpdateSupportedBooleanIdentifies whether the Platform Level Data Model updates are supported. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. PLDM update is supported.
  • false. PLDM update is not supported.
 pciBusNumberStringPCI bus number
 pciDeviceNumberStringPCI device number
 pciFunctionNumberStringPCI function number
 pciRevisionStringPCI revision
 pciSubIDStringPCI subsystem ID
 pciSubVendorIDStringPCI sub-vendor ID
 portInfoObjectInformation about the ports
  physicalPortsArray of objectsInformation about the physical ports
   logicalPortsArray of objectsList of associated logical ports
    addressesStringAssigned addresses
    logicalPortIndexIntegerNumber of logical ports
    portNumberIntegerNumber of the logical port
    portTypeStringLogical port type. This can be one of the following values.
  • ATM
  • FC
  • FDDI
  • IB
    vnicModeBooleanIdentifies whether this is a vNIC port. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. This is a vNIC port.
  • false. This is not a vNIC port.
   peerBayIntegerPeer Flex switch bay
   physicalPortIndexIntegerNumber of physical ports
   portNumberIntegerNumber of the physical port
   portTypeStringPhysical port type. This can be one of the following values.
  • ATM
  • FC
  • FDDI
  • IB
   speedLongLink speed, in Gbps (for example, 2.5)
   statusStringLink status. This can be one of the following values.
  • up
  • down
  • unknown
  posIDStringDevice ID
  vpdIDStringVPD ID
_linksObjectDevice URI (see Links)
The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"pciDevices": [{
"class": "Network controller",
"firmware": [{
"build": "0",
"classifications": [32773],
"date": "",
"name": "Combined Option ROM Image",
"revision": "0",
"role": "Primary",
"softwareID": "8086000A",
"status": "Active",
"type": "Boot ROM",
"version": "1.1638.0"
"fodUniqueID": "N/A",
"isAddOnCard": true,
"isAgentless": true,
"isPLDMUpdateSupported": false
"name": "Intel X710 2x10GbE SFP+ Adapter",
"pciBusNumber": "91",
"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"pciFunctionNumber": "1",
"pciRevision": "1",
"pciSubID": "0",
"pciSubVendorID": "8086",
"portInfo": {
"physicalPorts": [{
"logicalPorts": [{
"addresses": "6805CA7F5AE3",
"logicalPortIndex": 1,
"portNumber": 1,
"portType": "ETHERNET",
"vnicMode": false
"peerBay": 0,
"physicalPortIndex": 2,
"portNumber": 74,
"portType": "ETHERNET",
"speed": 0,
"status": ""
"posID": "1572",
"vpdID": "8086"
"_links": {
"rel": "self",
"uri": "/api/v1/data/devices/C7199530FEDE4FE09540DFC3D75FC56C/pciDevices"