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Cooling analysis

In the ‘Cooling Analysis’ page, the ‘Temperature Histogram’ figure for the room selected provides the real-time monitoring data of the inlet temperatures. The X-axis shows the temperature values and the Y-axis gives the percentages of servers with the corresponding temperature values. ‘Sample Size’ shows the number of the devices with the temperature data monitored in the selected room.

The current cooling status is evaluated with suggestions given, along with possible actions and the Benefits of taking these actions.

For example, when servers with inlet temperatures higher than 27 degrees are detected, they will be displayed in the ‘Hotspots’ list.

If you need to refresh the temperature data, click ‘Refresh’ on the top right corner.


The colors and the temperature (°C) range in the “Temperature Histogram”:

  • Red: temperature>32

  • Orange: 27<temperature<=32

  • Yellow: 22<temperature<=27

  • Green: 17<temperature<=22

  • Blue: temperature<=17