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Server power characteristics

Click ‘Server Power Characteristics’ on the ‘Energy Optimization’ page. You will see the screen displayed. The X-axis shows the power values and the Y-axis shows the server model. The power values next to the bars present the power ranges measured for different server models.

For example, a certain bar of 128 – 139 means that, for all the servers with a certain model (e.g., Intel Corporation-S5500WB) managed, the lowest power observed was 128 watts and the highest power observed was 139 watts.

You may check the detailed power characteristics by clicking each bar. Two histograms would be showed in a popup dialog. One is peak power histogram, the other is active idle power histogram. You would get information about how the peak power and active idle power are distributed.

‘Server Age Distribution’ shows the service life distribution of all servers in quarters. You may check the detailed server power characteristics of the similar service life by clicking each bar. One is peak power histogram and the other is active idle power histogram. You would get information about how the peak power and active idle power are distributed of the similar-service-life servers.