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Low-utilization servers

LXEM evaluates and tries to identify low-utilization servers based on out-of-band power data. With a set of heuristics, server utilization is estimated according to the power history with all the raw data collected. Given the statistics of utilization data estimated, low utilization servers are identified.

On the ‘Energy Optimization’ page, click ‘Low-Utilization Servers’.

By clicking ‘Analyze’, low utilization servers will be identified and listed as potential targets for consolidation to optimize energy efficiency. The time that the analysis was done is shown in the bottom left of the screen.

If there are a large number of servers, utilization analysis may take a long time. You may leave this page and perform other operations while the analysis runs in the background.

The ‘Daily Utilization Pattern’ tab shows the result of analyzing server utilization patterns based on the historical monitoring data. This can help with server consolidation. For example, if one server is busy at night and idle in the daytime, while another is busy in the daytime and idle at night, you may consider consolidating the workload of the two servers and shutting down one of them.