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Summary of a device

The ‘Summary’ tab of the device selected on the Datacenter Management page displays the information below:
  • Visualized rack and all devices in the rack

  • The highest inlet temperature

  • Power

  • Space

  • The details of the device

The ‘Summary’ of a device is different from that of the other hierarchy level.
  • The ‘Temperature’ graph displays its highest inlet temperature.

  • The ‘Power’ graph shows its current power.

  • The ‘Space’ graph displays the space that it occupies.

The light gray rectangle in the visualized rack highlights the device selected. The dark gray rectangles represent the other devices of the rack and the empty rectangles with no color represent the free space.

You can select a device by clicking on the corresponding rectangle in the visualized rack figure, and then the information for the selected device will appear on the tabs. The selected rectangle will be in light gray (or yellow if the inlet temperature is higher than 27 degrees), while the others will be in dark gray. When you move your mouse over the selected device, it is highlighted with blue color.

In the “Device” tab, you can power on, power off, or reconnect to the device by clicking the corresponding link. When ‘Power Off’ is clicked, Energy Manager will try to gracefully shut down the managed server. Whether the server is successfully shut down may depend on its BIOS or OS power settings. You can access the management console of the device by clicking the link in the row “Management Console URL” if the device supports the capability.

The ‘Events’ tab lists all the events for the device.

To refresh the properties and status of the selected device, you can click ‘Reconnect’ on the ‘Summary’ tab.