XCC events organized by severity
The following table lists all XCC events, organized by severity (Information, Error, and Warning).
Event ID | Message String | Severity |
FQXSPBR4000I | Management Controller [arg1]: Configuration restored from a file by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPBR4002I | Management Controller [arg1] Reset was caused by restoring default values. | Informational |
FQXSPBR4004I | Server timeouts set by user [arg1]: EnableOSWatchdog=[arg2], OSWatchdogTimout=[arg3], EnableLoaderWatchdog=[arg4], LoaderTimeout=[arg5] from [arg6] at IP address [arg7]. | Informational |
FQXSPBR4005I | Management Controller [arg1]: Configuration saved to a file by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPBR4006I | Management Controller [arg1]: Configuration restoration from a file by user [arg2] completed from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPBR4009I | Management Controller [arg1]: cloning configuration from neighbor server [arg2] by group name [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPBR400AI | Management Controller [arg1]: cloning configuration from neighbor server [arg2] by group name [arg3] completed. | Informational |
FQXSPBR400BI | Management Controller [arg1]: cloning configuration from neighbor server [arg2] by group name [arg3] failed to complete. | Informational |
FQXSPBR400CI | Management Controller [arg1]: cloning configuration from neighbor server [arg2] by group name [arg3] failed to start. | Informational |
FQXSPBR400DI | Neighbor group clone configuration was initiated by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPBR400EI | Neighbor group firmware update was initiated by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPBR400FI | The neighbor group management is [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPCA0012I | Fan mismatch is recovered. | Informational |
FQXSPCA0013I | PCIe [SensorName] overtemperature has transitioned to normal state. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2000I | Fan [NumericSensorName] going low (lower non-critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2002I | Fan [NumericSensorName] going low (lower critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2007I | Ambient temperature going high (upper non-critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2009I | Ambient temperature going high (upper critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2011I | Ambient temperature going high (upper non-recoverable) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2016I | Fan Mismatch has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2017I | PCIe [SensorName] overtemperature has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2019I | PCIe [SensorName] overtemperature has deasserted the transition to non-recoverable from a less severe state. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2042I | Liquid leak detector for [DeviceType] is recovered. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2046I | DIMM [DIMMId] temperature going high (upper non-critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2047I | DIMM [DIMMId] temperature going high (upper critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2048I | DIMM [DIMMId] temperature going high (upper non-recoverable) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2049I | Pump tach [pumpFanIndex] going high (upper non-critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2050I | Pump tach [pumpFanIndex] going high (upper critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2051I | Pump tach [pumpFanIndex] going high (upper non-recoverable) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2052I | Pump tach [pumpFanIndex] going low (lower critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCN4000I | Serial Redirection set by user [arg1]: Mode=[arg2], BaudRate=[arg3], StopBits=[arg4], Parity=[arg5], SessionTerminateSequence=[arg6] from [arg7] at IP address [arg8]. | Informational |
FQXSPCN4002I | User [arg1] has terminated an active CLI console session from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPCN4004I | User [arg1] has created an active [arg2] console session from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPCN4005I | A [arg1] console session is timeout. | Informational |
FQXSPCN4006I | User [arg1] has terminated an active IPMI console session from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4000I | Inventory data changed for device [arg1], new device data hash=[arg2], new master data hash=[arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4003I | TKLM servers set by user [arg1]: TKLMServer1=[arg2] Port=[arg3], TKLMServer2=[arg4] Port=[arg5], TKLMServer3=[arg6] Port=[arg7], TKLMServer4=[arg8] Port=[arg9] from [arg10] at IP address [arg11]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4004I | TKLM servers device group set by user [arg1]: TKLMServerDeviceGroup=[arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4005I | User [arg1] has generated a new encryption key pair and installed a self-signed certificate for the TKLM client from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4006I | User [arg1] has generated a new encryption key and certificate signing request for the TKLM client from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4007I | User [arg1] has imported a signed certificate for the TKLM client from [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4008I | User [arg1] has imported a server certificate for the TKLM server from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4009I | User [arg1] has [arg2] file [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4010I | Inventory data collecting and processing complete for [arg1], sequence number is [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4011I | EKMS server protocol set by user [arg1]: TKLMServerProtocol=[arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4012I | User [arg1] has changed the polling configuration for the key management server: Polling enabled=[arg2], interval=[arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4013I | User [arg1] has changed the caching configuration for the key management server: Caching enabled=[arg2], timeout=[arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPEA2003I | Link up is detected on port [[1]] of the PCIe device [[2]] in slot [[3]]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM0003I | The Log [RecordLogName] has been cleared. | Informational |
FQXSPEM0004I | The Log [RecordLogName] is full. | Informational |
FQXSPEM0005I | The Log [RecordLogName] is almost full. | Informational |
FQXSPEM2004I | The Log [RecordLogName] is no longer full. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4000I | The [arg1] on system [arg2] cleared by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4003I | LED [arg1] state changed to [arg2] by [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4004I | SNMP [arg1] enabled by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4005I | SNMP [arg1] disabled by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4006I | Alert Configuration Global Event Notification set by user [arg1]: RetryLimit=[arg2], RetryInterval=[arg3], EntryInterval=[arg4] from [arg5] at IP address [arg6]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4007I | Alert Recipient Number [arg1] updated: Name=[arg2], DeliveryMethod=[arg3], Address=[arg4], IncludeLog=[arg5], Enabled=[arg6], EnabledAlerts=[arg7], AllowedFilters=[arg8] by user [arg9] from [arg10] at IP address [arg11]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4008I | SNMP Traps enabled by user [arg1]: EnabledAlerts=[arg2], AllowedFilters=[arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4009I | The UEFI Definitions have been changed. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4011I | XCC failed to log previous event [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4012I | User [arg1] made system [arg2] Encapsulation lite Mode from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4028I | The port [arg1] of PCIe device [arg2] at [arg3] has link [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4031I | SSD wear threshold setting is changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4041I | The SmartNIC in slot [arg1] encountered boot timeout. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4042I | The SmartNIC in slot [arg1] went through a crash dump. | Informational |
FQXSPFC4000I | The bare metal connection process has been started. | Informational |
FQXSPFC4001I | The bare metal update application reports a status of [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPFW0003I | The System [ComputerSystemName] encountered firmware progress. | Informational |
FQXSPFW0004I | UEFI advanced memory test is running. | Informational |
FQXSPFW0005I | UEFI advanced memory test is completed. | Informational |
FQXSPFW0006I | UEFI advanced memory test is interrupted. | Informational |
FQXSPFW0007I | UEFI advanced memory test encountered a hang. | Informational |
FQXSPFW2001I | The System [ComputerSystemName] has detected a POST Error deassertion - firmware(BIOS) ROM corruption detected. | Informational |
FQXSPIO0000I | The connector [PhysicalConnectorName] has been detected as present or connected. | Informational |
FQXSPIO0005N | An I/O Channel Check NMI has occurred on system [ComputerSystemName]. | Informational |
FQXSPIO0010I | A Correctable Bus Error has occurred on bus [BusName]. | Informational |
FQXSPIO0032I | Device [DeviceType] [DeviceIndex] is installed. | Informational |
FQXSPIO0033I | Device [DeviceType] [DeviceIndex] is uninstalled | Informational |
FQXSPIO0034I | Connector [ConnectorName] is linked to [DeviceType] [DeviceIndex]. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2004I | Bus [BusName] has recovered from a bus timeout. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2005I | System [ComputerSystemName] has recovered from I/O Channel Check NMI. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2006I | System [ComputerSystemName] has recovered from software NMI. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2010I | Bus [BusName] has recovered from a Correctable Bus Error. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2011I | PCIs has recovered from an Uncorrectable Error. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2013I | Bus [BusName] has recovered from a Fatal Bus Error. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2014I | Bus [BusName] is no longer operating in a degraded state. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2027I | Fault condition removed in M2 adapter(serial number: [SerialNumber]) on system [ComputerSystemName]. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2031I | Fault condition removed All PCIe devices on system [ComputerSystemName]. | Informational |
FQXSPMA0025I | BMC LAN failover from dedicate to shared. | Informational |
FQXSPMA2010I | DIMM [DIMMId] on system [MemoryName] is no longer throttled. | Informational |
FQXSPMA2012I | An Over-Temperature Condition has been removed on the dimm [DIMMId] on system [MemoryName]. | Informational |
FQXSPMA2025I | BMC LAN recovers back from shared to dedicate. | Informational |
FQXSPMA2037I | DIMMs has recovered from an Uncorrectable Error. | Informational |
FQXSPMA2039I | DIMM [DIMMID] is enabled. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4000I | Management Controller [arg1] Network Initialization Complete. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4001I | Ethernet Data Rate modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4002I | Ethernet Duplex setting modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4003I | Ethernet MTU setting modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4004I | Ethernet locally administered MAC address modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4005I | Ethernet interface [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4006I | Hostname set to [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4011I | ENET[[arg1]] DHCP-HSTN=[arg2], DN=[arg3], IP@=[arg4], SN=[arg5], GW@=[arg6], DNS1@=[arg7]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4012I | ENET[[arg1]] IP-Cfg:HstName=[arg2], IP@=[arg3] ,NetMsk=[arg4], GW@=[arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4013I | LAN: Ethernet[[arg1]] interface is no longer active. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4014I | LAN: Ethernet[[arg1]] interface is now active. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4016I | Domain name set to [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4017I | Domain Source changed to [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4018I | DDNS setting changed to [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4019I | DDNS registration successful. The domain name is [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4020I | IPv6 enabled by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4021I | IPv6 disabled by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4022I | IPv6 static IP configuration enabled by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4023I | IPv6 DHCP enabled by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4024I | IPv6 stateless auto-configuration enabled by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4025I | IPv6 static IP configuration disabled by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4026I | IPv6 DHCP disabled by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4027I | IPv6 stateless auto-configuration disabled by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4028I | ENET[[arg1]] IPv6-LinkLocal:HstName=[arg2], IP@=[arg3] ,Pref=[arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4029I | ENET[[arg1]] IPv6-Static:HstName=[arg2], IP@=[arg3] ,Pref=[arg4], GW@=[arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4030I | ENET[[arg1]] DHCPv6-HSTN=[arg2], DN=[arg3], IP@=[arg4], Pref=[arg5], DNS1@=[arg6]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4031I | IPv6 static address of network interface modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4034I | SSH port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4035I | Web-HTTP port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4036I | Web-HTTPS port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4039I | SNMP Agent port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4040I | SNMP Traps port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4041I | Syslog port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4042I | Remote Presence port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4043I | SMTP Server set by user [arg1] to [arg2]:[arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4045I | DNS servers set by user [arg1]: UseAdditionalServers=[arg2], PreferredDNStype=[arg3], IPv4Server1=[arg4], IPv4Server2=[arg5], IPv4Server3=[arg6], IPv6Server1=[arg7], IPv6Server2=[arg8], IPv6Server3=[arg9] from [arg10] at IP address [arg11]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4046I | LAN over USB [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4047I | LAN over USB Port Forwarding set by user [arg1]: ExternalPort=[arg2], USB-LAN port=[arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4048I | PXE boot requested by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4049I | User [arg1] has initiated a TKLM Server Connection Test to check connectivity to server [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4051I | User [arg1] has set the SMTP Server reverse-path to [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4053I | DNS discovery of Lenovo XClarity Administrator has been [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4054I | The hostname from DHCP is [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4055I | The hostname from DHCP is invalid. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4056I | The NTP server address [arg1] is invalid. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4057I | Security: IP address: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures, it will be blocked to access for [arg3] minutes. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4058I | IP address of network interface [arg1] is modified from [arg2] to [arg3] by user [arg4] from [arg5] at IP address [arg6]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4059I | IP subnet mask of network interface [arg1] is modified from [arg2] to [arg3] by user [arg4] from [arg5] at IP address [arg6]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4060I | IP address of default gateway of network interface [arg1] is modified from [arg2] to [arg3] by user [arg4] from [arg5] at IP address [arg6]. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4000I | OS Watchdog response [arg1] by [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4001I | Watchdog [arg1] Screen Capture Occurred. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4004I | Operating System status has changed to [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4005I | Host Power-On password changed by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4006I | Host Power-On password cleared by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4007I | Host Admin password changed by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4008I | Host Admin password cleared by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4009I | OS Crash Video Captured. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4011I | OS failure screen capture with hardware error is [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4012I | POST watchdog Screen Capture Occurred. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4000I | Attempting to [arg1] server [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4001I | Server Power Off Delay set to [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4002I | Server [arg1] scheduled for [arg2] at [arg3] by user [arg4] from [arg5] at IP address [arg6]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4003I | Server [arg1] scheduled for every [arg2] at [arg3] by user [arg4] from [arg5] at IP address [arg6]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4004I | Server [arg1] [arg2] cleared by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4005I | The power cap value changed from [arg1] watts to [arg2] watts by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4011I | Power capping was activated by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4012I | Power capping was deactivated by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4020I | The measured power value has returned below the power cap value. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4022I | The server was restarted for an unknown reason. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4023I | The server is restarted by chassis control command. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4024I | The server was reset via push button. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4025I | The server was powered-up via power push button. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4026I | The server was restarted when the watchdog expired. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4027I | The server was restarted for OEM reason. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4028I | The server was automatically powered on because the power restore policy is set to always on. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4029I | The server was automatically powered on because the power restore policy is set to restore previous power state. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4030I | The server was reset via Platform Event Filter. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4031I | The server was power-cycled via Platform Event Filter. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4032I | The server was soft reset. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4033I | The server was powered up via Real Time Clock (scheduled power on). | Informational |
FQXSPPP4034I | The server was powered off for an unknown reason. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4035I | The server was powered off by chassis control command. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4036I | The server was powered off via push button. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4037I | The server was powered off when the watchdog expired. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4038I | The server stayed powered off because the power restore policy is set to always off. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4039I | The server stayed powered off because the power restore policy is set to restore previous power state. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4040I | The server was powered off via Platform Event Filter. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4041I | The server was powered off via Real Time Clock (scheduled power off). | Informational |
FQXSPPP4042I | Management Controller [arg1] reset was initiated due to Power-On-Reset. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4044I | Management Controller [arg1] reset was initiated by CMM. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4047I | Management Controller [arg1] reset was initiated by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4048I | Attempting to AC power cycle server [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4049I | Management Controller [arg1] reset was initiated by Front Panel. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4050I | Management Controller [arg1] reset was initiated to activate PFR Firmware. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4054I | Unbalanced PSU config is detected, system is using less node PSU capacity. | Informational |
FQXSPPR0000I | [BackplaneName] detected as present. | Informational |
FQXSPPR0003I | Front Panel detected as present. | Informational |
FQXSPPR0004I | TPM module detected as present. | Informational |
FQXSPPR2001I | [BackplaneName] detected as absent. | Informational |
FQXSPPR2003I | Front Panel detected as absent. | Informational |
FQXSPPR2004I | TPM module detected as absent. | Informational |
FQXSPPU2001I | An Over-Temperature Condition has been removed on Processor [ProcessorId]. | Informational |
FQXSPPU2002I | The Processor [ProcessorId] is no longer operating in a Degraded State. | Informational |
FQXSPPU2007I | The System [ComputerSystemName] has detected a POST Error deassertion - CPU voltage mismatch. | Informational |
FQXSPPU2009I | Processor [ProcessorId] has Recovered from a Configuration Mismatch. | Informational |
FQXSPPU2015I | CPU feature mismatch is recovered. | Informational |
FQXSPPU2016I | CPUs has recovered from an Uncorrectable Error. | Informational |
FQXSPPU2017I | Processor [ProcessorId] has recovered from a hard fault. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0001I | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] has been added. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0004I | The input to power supply [PowerSupplyId] has been lost or fallen out of range. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0005I | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] is operating in an Input State that is out of range. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0008I | Host power has been turned off. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0009I | Host power has been Power Cycled. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0011I | Host power has lost power. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0054I | PSU Mismatch has transitioned to normal state. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0055I | SysBrd voltage fault has transitioned to normal state. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0091I | Redundancy Power Resource has been restored. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0129I | PSU [SensorName] failure has transitioned to normal state. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0130I | PSU [SensorName] prediction fault failure has transitioned to normal state. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0131I | PSU [SensorName] input failure has transitioned to normal state. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2001I | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] has been removed. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2002I | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] has returned to OK status. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2003I | Failure no longer predicted on power supply [PowerSupplyId]. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2004I | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] has returned to a Normal Input State. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2005I | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] has returned to a Normal Input State. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2006I | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] has returned to a Normal Input State. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2007I | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] Configuration is OK. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2008I | Host power has been turned on. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2011I | Host power power was restored. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2015I | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-SN: [MachineSerialNumber])has returned to OK status. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2017I | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-SN: [MachineSerialNumber])has returned to a normal input state. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2031I | CMOS battery voltage going low (lower non-critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2035I | [SysBrdVol] going low (lower critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2047I | [SysBrdVol] going high (upper critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2057I | PSU [SensorName] prediction fault failure has deasserted the transition from normal to non-critical state. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2061I | PSU [SensorName] failure has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2062I | PSU Mismatch has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2063I | SysBrd voltage fault has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2101I | Redundancy Degraded for Power Resource has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2104I | Non-redundant:Sufficient Resources from Redundancy Degraded or Fully Redundant for Power Resource has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2110I | Non-redundant:Insufficient Resources for Power Resource has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2123I | PSU [SensorName] input failure has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. | Informational |
FQXSPSD0000I | The [DriveName] has been added. | Informational |
FQXSPSD0003I | Hot Spare enabled with drive [DriveLocation]. | Informational |
FQXSPSD0005I | Hot Spare enabled for drive [DriveLocation] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-SN: [MachineSerialNumber]). | Informational |
FQXSPSD0007I | The [DriveName] is rebuilding. | Informational |
FQXSPSD0008I | Array rebuild in progress on drive [DriveLocation] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-S/N: [MachineSerialNumber]). | Informational |
FQXSPSD2000I | The [DriveName] has been removed from unit [PhysicalPackageName]. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2001I | The [DriveName] has recovered from a fault. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2002I | Failure no longer Predicted on [DriveName]. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2003I | Hot Spare disabled with drive [DriveLocation]. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2007I | Rebuild completed on [DriveName]. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2008I | Drive [DriveLocation] in the enclosure/chassis(MTM-SN: [MachineSerialNumber]) has recovered from a fault. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2011I | Failure no longer Predicted on drive [DriveLocation] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-S/N: [MachineSerialNumber]). | Informational |
FQXSPSD2012I | Hot Spare disabled for drive [DriveLocation] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-SN: [MachineSerialNumber]). | Informational |
FQXSPSD2015I | Array rebuild completed on drive [DriveLocation] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-S/N: [MachineSerialNumber]). | Informational |
FQXSPSE2000I | The Chassis [ComputerSystemName] was closed. | Informational |
FQXSPSE2010I | System guard changed to compliant status. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4001I | Remote Login Successful. Login ID: [arg1] using [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4002I | Security: Userid: [arg1] using [arg2] had [arg3] login failures from WEB client at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4003I | Security: Login ID: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures from CLI at [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4004I | Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is [arg1] from WEB browser at IP address [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4007I | Security: Userid: [arg1] using [arg2] had [arg3] login failures from an SSH client at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4008I | SNMPv1 [arg1] set by user [arg2]: Name=[arg3], AccessType=[arg4], Address=[arg5] from [arg6] at IP address [arg7]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4009I | LDAP Server configuration set by user [arg1]: SelectionMethod=[arg2], DomainName=[arg3], Server1=[arg4], Server2=[arg5], Server3=[arg6], Server4=[arg7] from [arg8] at IP address [arg9]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4010I | LDAP set by user [arg1]: RootDN=[arg2], UIDSearchAttribute=[arg3], BindingMethod=[arg4], EnhancedRBS=[arg5], TargetName=[arg6], GroupFilter=[arg7], GroupAttribute=[arg8], LoginAttribute=[arg9] from [arg10] at IP address [arg11]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4011I | Secure Web services (HTTPS) [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4013I | Secure LDAP [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4014I | SSH [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4015I | Global Login General Settings set by user [arg1]: AuthenticationMethod=[arg2], LockoutPeriod=[arg3], SessionTimeout=[arg4] from [arg5] at IP address [arg6]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4016I | Global Login Account Security set by user [arg1]: PasswordRequired=[arg2], PasswordExpirationPeriod=[arg3], MinimumPasswordReuseCycle=[arg4], MinimumPasswordLength=[arg5], MinimumPasswordChangeInterval=[arg6], MaxmumLoginFailures=[arg7], LockoutAfterMaxFailures=[arg8] from [arg9] at IP address [arg10]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4022I | User [arg1] for SNMPv3 set: AuthenticationProtocol=[arg2], PrivacyProtocol=[arg3], AccessType=[arg4], HostforTraps=[arg5] by user [arg6] from [arg7] at IP address [arg8]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4023I | SSH Client key added for user [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4024I | SSH Client key imported for user [arg1] from [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4025I | SSH Client key removed from user [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4028I | Security: Userid: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures from IPMI client at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4029I | Security: Userid: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures from SNMP client at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4032I | Login ID: [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3] has logged off. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4034I | User [arg1] has removed a certificate from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4035I | A certificate has been revoked. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4036I | The [arg1] certificate is expired and has been removed. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4038I | Minimum TLS level modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4039I | Temporary user account [arg1] is created by inband tool. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4040I | Temporary user account [arg1] expires. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4042I | The third-party password function [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4043I | Retrieving the third-party password [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4044I | User [arg1] third-party hashed password has been [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4045I | The Salt of user [arg1] third-party password has been [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4046I | The third-party password of the user [arg1] has been retrieved by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4047I | Role [arg1] is [arg2] and assigned with custom privileges [arg3][arg4][arg5][arg6][arg7][arg8][arg9][arg10][arg11] by user [arg12] from [arg13] at IP address [arg14]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4048I | Role [arg1] is removed by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4049I | Role [arg1] is assigned to user [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4050I | [arg1] sent IPMI command from [arg2], raw data: [arg3][arg4][arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4051I | Management Controller [arg1] joined the neighbor group [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4052I | The password of neighbor group [arg1] is modified by [arg2] [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4053I | Management Controller [arg1] left the neighbor group [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4054I | IPMI SEL wrapping mode is [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4055I | SED encryption is enabled by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4056I | SED AK is [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4057I | User [arg1] created by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4058I | User [arg1] removed by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4059I | User [arg1] password modified by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4060I | User [arg1] role set to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4061I | User [arg1] custom privileges set: [arg2][arg3][arg4][arg5][arg6][arg7][arg8][arg9] by user [arg10] from [arg11] at IP address [arg12]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4062I | The system guard snapshot is captured by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4063I | The system guard configuration is updated: status=[arg1], hardware inventory=[arg2] and action=[arg3] by user [arg4] from [arg5] at IP address [arg6]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4064I | SNMPv3 engine ID is changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4065I | SFTP [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4066I | Security mode is modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4067I | User [arg1] accessible interfaces is set to [arg2][arg3][arg4][arg5][arg6] by user [arg7] from [arg8] at IP address [arg9]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4068I | Security: Userid: [arg1] using [arg2] had [arg3] login failures from Redfish client at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4069I | LDAP set by user [arg1]: RootDN=[arg2], UIDSearchAttribute=[arg3], BindingMethod=[arg4], TargetName=[arg5], GroupFilter=[arg6], GroupAttribute=[arg7], LoginAttribute=[arg8] from [arg9] at IP address [arg10]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4074I | Security mode downgrades because the XCC2 Platinum Upgrade key is expired or deleted. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4079I | The Operator role is [arg1] to contain Remote Console Access permission by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4080I | The user [arg1] attempts to clear CMOS from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4081I | BMC returns the valid local cached key to UEFI for SED drives. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4082I | Remote key management server is unaccessable. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4083I | The local cached key has expired and destroyed it. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4084I | Periodic connection to remote key management server succeeded. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4085I | Periodic connection to remote key management server failed. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4091I | SNMPv2 [arg1] set by user [arg2]: Name=[arg3], AccessType=[arg4], Address=[arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4092I | SNMPv1 [arg1] set by user [arg2]: Name=[arg3], AccessType=[arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4093I | SNMPv1 [arg1] set by user [arg2]: address=[arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4094I | SNMPv2 [arg1] set by user [arg2]: Name=[arg3], AccessType=[arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4095I | SNMPv2 [arg1] set by user [arg2]: address=[arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4129I | Security: Userid: [arg1] failed to login from SNMP client at IP address [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4000I | Management Controller Test Alert Generated by [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4001I | Server General Settings set by user [arg1]: Name=[arg2], Contact=[arg3], Location=[arg4], Room=[arg5], RackID=[arg6], Rack U-position=[arg7], Address=[arg8] from [arg9] at IP address [arg10]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4002I | License key for [arg1] added by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4003I | License key for [arg1] removed by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4004I | Test Call Home Generated by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4006I | Call Home to [arg1] failed to complete: [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4007I | The BMC functionality tier is changed from [arg1] to [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4008I | The [arg1] setting has been changed to [arg2] by user [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4009I | System enters LXPM maintenance mode. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4010I | Test Audit Log generated by user [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4011I | Fan speed boost setting is changed from [arg1] to [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPTR4001I | Date and Time set by user [arg1]: Date=[arg2], Time-[arg3], DST Auto-adjust=[arg4], Timezone=[arg5] from [arg6] at IP address [arg7]. | Informational |
FQXSPTR4002I | Synchronize time setting by user [arg1]: Mode=Sync with NTP Server, NTPServerHost1=[arg2]:[arg3],NTPServerHost2=[arg4]:[arg5],NTPServerHost3=[arg6]:[arg7],NTPServerHost4=[arg8]:[arg9],NTPUpdateFrequency=[arg10] from [arg11] at IP address [arg12]. | Informational |
FQXSPTR4003I | Synchronize time setting by user [arg1]: Mode=Sync with server clock from [arg2] at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPUN0026I | Low Security Jumper is enabled. | Informational |
FQXSPUN0048I | The RAID controller in PCI slot [PCILocation] in optimal status. | Informational |
FQXSPUN0057I | The RAID controller in PCI slot [PCILocation] does not have a battery. | Informational |
FQXSPUN0061I | System Maintenance Mode has asserted. | Informational |
FQXSPUN0062I | SMI Timeout has asserted. | Informational |
FQXSPUN0063I | PSU heavy load has asserted. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2012I | BMC firmware corrupted has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2026I | Low Security Jumper is disabled. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2049I | The RAID controller in PCI slot [PCILocation] is no longer in warning status. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2050I | The RAID controller in PCI slot [PCILocation] is no longer in critical status. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2057I | The RAID controller in PCI slot [PCILocation] has a battery now. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2058I | The remaining life for all SSDs is above threshold [ThresholdValue]. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2061I | System Maintenance Mode has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2062I | SMI Timeout has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2063I | PSU heavy load has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2065I | UEFI firmware is automatically recovered from authentication failure. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2067I | UEFI firmware is manually recovered from authentication failure. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2068I | Drive Mismatch has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. | Informational |
FQXSPUP0002I | A firmware or software change occurred on system [ComputerSystemName]. | Informational |
FQXSPUP4006I | Auto promote primary XCC to backup is [arg1] by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPUP4007I | Violation access to XCC SPI flash is detected and isolated. | Informational |
FQXSPUP4008I | Violation access to UEFI SPI flash is detected and isolated. | Informational |
FQXSPUP4010I | Flash [arg1] of [arg2] from [arg3] succeeded for user [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPUP4011I | Flash [arg1] of [arg2] from [arg3] failed for user [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPWD0000I | Watchdog Timer expired for [WatchdogName]. | Informational |
FQXSPWD0001I | Reboot of system [ComputerSystemName] initiated by watchdog [WatchdogName]. | Informational |
FQXSPWD0002I | Powering off system [ComputerSystemName] initiated by watchdog [WatchdogName]. | Informational |
FQXSPWD0003I | Power cycle of system [ComputerSystemName] initiated by watchdog [WatchdogName]. | Informational |
FQXSPWD0004I | Watchdog Timer interrupt occurred for [WatchdogName]. | Informational |
FQXSPCA0000J | Fan [NumericSensorName] going low (lower non-critical) has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPCA0007J | Ambient temperature going high (upper non-critical) has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPCA0046J | DIMM [DIMMId] temperature going high (upper non-critical) has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPCA0049J | Pump tach [pumpFanIndex] going high (upper non-critical) has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPCP0001G | Device [DeviceName] mismatch with the system. | Warning |
FQXSPEA0003J | Link down is detected on port [PCIPortNumber] of the PCIe device [PCIDeviceName]. | Warning |
FQXSPEM4043I | A [arg1] failure has been detected and need [arg2] to recover. | Warning |
FQXSPIO0014J | Bus [BusName] is operating in a degraded state. | Warning |
FQXSPIO0035G | [DeviceName] is installed in wrong location. | Warning |
FQXSPIO0036G | Signal cable and power cable are misconnected for [DeviceName]. Should connect signal cable [RiserOrBPConnectorName1] to [MCIOorMXIOConnectName1], [RiserOrBPConnectorName2] to [MCIOorMXIOConnectName2]. | Warning |
FQXSPIO0037G | Signal cable and power cable are misconnected for [DeviceName]. Should connect signal cable [MCIOorMXIOConnectName]. | Warning |
FQXSPIO2000J | The connector [PhysicalConnectorName] has been disconnected. | Warning |
FQXSPMA0010J | DIMM [DIMMId] on system [MemoryName] is throttled. | Warning |
FQXSPMA0039G | DIMM [DIMMID] is disabled. | Warning |
FQXSPNM4010I | DHCP[[arg1]] failure, no IP address assigned. | Warning |
FQXSPPP4009I | The measured power value exceeded the power cap value. | Warning |
FQXSPPU0002G | Processor [ProcessorId] is operating in a Degraded State. | Warning |
FQXSPPU0010G | Processor [ProcessorId] is operating in a Degraded State due to [ElementSource]. | Warning |
FQXSPPU0015G | CPU feature mismatch is detected. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0003G | Failure predicted on power supply [PowerSupplyId]. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0006I | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] has lost input. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0007I | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-SN: [MachineSerialNumber])has lost input. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0031J | CMOS battery voltage going low (lower non-critical) has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0057J | PSU [SensorName] prediction fault failure has transitioned from normal to non-critical state. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0101J | Redundancy Degraded for Power Resource has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0104J | Non-redundant:Sufficient Resources from Redundancy Degraded or Fully Redundant for Power Resource has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPSD0002G | Failure Predicted on [DriveName]. | Warning |
FQXSPSD0003G | Failure Predicted on drive [DriveLocation] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-SN: [MachineSerialNumber]). | Warning |
FQXSPSE0000F | The Chassis [ComputerSystemName] was opened. | Warning |
FQXSPSE0010J | System Guard detected inventory mismatch with trusted snapshot. | Warning |
FQXSPSE4006I | XCC detected an invalid SSL certificate in the Management Controller [arg1]. | Warning |
FQXSPSS0012G | [System] cannot detect [DeviceName]. | Warning |
FQXSPUN0009G | BMC firmware corruption is detected. | Warning |
FQXSPUN0049J | The RAID controller in PCIe slot [PCILocation] is in warning status. At least one physical drive is in unconfigured bad state. | Warning |
FQXSPUN0051J | The RAID controller in PCIe slot [PCILocation] has asserted a warning. Foreign configuration is detected. | Warning |
FQXSPUN0058J | The remaining life of [DriveName] is lower than the warning threshold ([ThresholdValue]). | Warning |
FQXSPUN0059J | RoT attestation has detected a failure. | Warning |
FQXSPUN0060G | RoT mismatch has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPUN0065J | UEFI firmware authentication failure is detected. | Warning |
FQXSPUP0007L | BMC primary firmware is corrupted, auto fail over to backup. | Warning |
FQXSPBR4003I | Platform Watchdog Timer expired for [arg1]. | Error |
FQXSPBR4007I | Management Controller [arg1]: Configuration restoration from a file by user [arg2] failed to complete from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Error |
FQXSPBR4008I | Management Controller [arg1]: Configuration restoration from a file by user [arg2] failed to start from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Error |
FQXSPCA0002M | Fan [NumericSensorName] going low (lower critical) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPCA0009M | Ambient temperature going high (upper critical) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPCA0011N | Ambient temperature going high (upper non-recoverable) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPCA0016M | Fan Mismatch has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPCA0017M | PCIe [SensorName] overtemperature has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPCA0019N | PCIe [SensorName] overtemperature has transitioned to non-recoverable from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPCA0040N | Liquid is leaking from open loop [CoolingSensorName]. | Error |
FQXSPCA0041N | Liquid is leaking from closed loop [CoolingSensorName]. | Error |
FQXSPCA0042M | Liquid leak detector for [DeviceType] is faulty. | Error |
FQXSPCA0047M | DIMM [DIMMId] temperature going high (upper critical) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPCA0048M | DIMM [DIMMId] temperature going high (upper non-recoverable) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPCA0050M | Pump tach [pumpFanIndex] going high (upper critical) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPCA0051N | Pump tach [pumpFanIndex] going high (upper non-recoverable) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPCA0052M | Pump tach [pumpFanIndex] going low (lower critical) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPFW0001N | Firmware BIOS (ROM) corruption was detected on system [ComputerSystemName] during POST. | Error |
FQXSPIO0004L | A bus timeout has occurred on bus [BusName]. | Error |
FQXSPIO0006N | A software NMI has occurred on system [ComputerSystemName]. | Error |
FQXSPIO0011N | An Uncorrectable Error has occurred on PCIs. | Error |
FQXSPIO0013N | A Fatal Bus Error has occurred on bus [BusName]. | Error |
FQXSPIO0027M | Fault in M2 adapter(serial number: [SerialNumber]) on system [ComputerSystemName]. | Error |
FQXSPIO0031M | PCIe devices have fault. | Error |
FQXSPMA0012M | An Over-Temperature Condition has been detected on the DIMM [DIMMId] on system [MemoryName]. | Error |
FQXSPMA0130N | Memory PMIC [MemoryPMICGroup] has transitioned to non-recoverable. | Error |
FQXSPOS4002I | Watchdog [arg1] Failed to Capture Screen. | Error |
FQXSPOS4003I | Platform Watchdog Timer expired for [arg1]. | Error |
FQXSPOS4010I | OS Crash Video Capture Failed. | Error |
FQXSPPU0001N | An Over-Temperature Condition has been detected on Processor [ProcessorId]. | Error |
FQXSPPU0007N | CPU voltage mismatch detected on [ProcessorName]. | Error |
FQXSPPU0009N | Processor [ProcessorId] has a Configuration Mismatch. | Error |
FQXSPPU0016N | An Uncorrectable Error has occurred on CPUs. | Error |
FQXSPPU0017N | A hard fault has occurred on processor [ProcessorId]. | Error |
FQXSPPW0002L | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] has Failed. | Error |
FQXSPPW0003L | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-SN: [MachineSerialNumber])has failed. | Error |
FQXSPPW0007L | Power supply [PowerSupplyId] has a Configuration Mismatch. | Error |
FQXSPPW0035M | [SysBrdVol] going low (lower critical) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPPW0047M | [SysBrdVol] going high (upper critical) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPPW0061M | PSU [SensorName] failure has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPPW0062M | PSU mismatch has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPPW0063M | SysBrd voltage fault has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPPW0110M | Non-redundant:Insufficient Resources for Power Resource has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPPW0123M | PSU [SensorName] input failure has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPPW0129N | CPU [ProcessorId] [VRName] has transitioned to non-recoverable. | Error |
FQXSPPW0131N | Peripheral device [DeviceName] powergood has transitioned to non-recoverable. | Error |
FQXSPPW0132N | Fan [FanGroup] powergood has transitioned to non-recoverable. | Error |
FQXSPPW0133N | MB AUX powergood has transitioned to non-recoverable. | Error |
FQXSPSD0001L | The [DriveName] has a fault. | Error |
FQXSPSD0002L | Drive [DriveLocation] in the enclosure/chassis(MTM-SN: [MachineSerialNumber]) has a fault. | Error |
FQXSPSE4000I | Certificate Authority [arg1] has detected a [arg2] Certificate Error. | Error |
FQXSPUN0050M | The RAID controller in PCIe slot [PCILocation] is in critical state. Volume [VolumeID] is offline. | Error |
FQXSPUN0053M | The RAID controller in PCIe slot [PCILocation] is in critical status. At least one physical drive is failed. | Error |
FQXSPUN0054M | The RAID controller in PCIe slot [PCILocation] is in critical status. Volume [VolumeID] is degraded. | Error |
FQXSPUN0055M | The RAID controller in PCIe slot [PCILocation] is in critical state. Battery is in non-optimal state. | Error |
FQXSPUN0067M | Failed to automatically recover UEFI firmware from authentication failure. | Error |
FQXSPUN0068M | Drive Mismatch has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPUN0069M | The remaining life of [DriveName] is lower than the critical threshold ([ThresholdValue]). | Error |
FQXSPUP4003I | [arg1] firmware mismatch internal to system [arg2]. Please attempt to flash the [arg3] firmware. | Error |
FQXSPUP4009I | Please ensure that the system is flashed with the correct [arg1] firmware. The Management Controller is unable to match the firmware to the server. | Error |
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