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Power supply unit configuration

Power supply unit configuration allows users to set the redundancy mode for power supplies.

Figure 1. Power supply unit configuration
Power supply unit configuration
  1. Redundancy mode: Offer two modes for user to choose.

    • Redundancy mode
      • No redundancy: System could be throttled or shut down if one or more power supplies are in faulty condition.

      • N+1: There is one properly installed power supply unit as redundant power supply, so there is no impact to system operation or performance if any one of the power supply units is in faulty condition, given that Oversubscription mode is not enabled.

    • Oversubscription mode: Oversubscription mode grants users access to extra power from the redundant power supply. When the redundancy fails, however, the power supply unit will shut down within one second if system power loading is not corrected. SMM will take the action for node throttling at such power emergency, while enclosure performance could be impacted.

      • Oversubscription mode is only applied with N+1 redundancy mode enabled.

      • When enabled with N+1, the total available power is equivalent to 1.2 times of the capacity of one single unit of power supply.

    • Click on Apply after choosing the redundancy and oversubscription mode from drop-down menu to activate.

  2. Zero Output: Three scanning period are offered: 10/30/60 minutes. The shorter the scanning period, the faster SMM adjusts number of hibernate power supply units to optimize power supply unit efficiency when system load changes. With shorter scanning period, power supply unit are also turned on and off more frequently when system loading fluctuates, which could reduce power supply unit life. Disable zero output will keep all power supply unit always active. Click on Apply after choosing the scanning period from drop-down menu to apply selections.