Safety inspection checklist
Use the information in this section to identify potentially unsafe conditions with your solution. As each machine was designed and built, required safety items were installed to protect users and service technicians from injury.
- The product is not suitable for use at visual display workplaces according to §2 of the Workplace Regulations.
The complete process of setup must be done in the server room.

- This equipment must be installed or serviced by trained personnel, as defined by the NEC, IEC 62368-1 and IEC 60950-1, the standard for Safety of Electronic Equipment within the Field of Audio/Video, Information Technology and Communication Technology.
- Access to the equipment is by the use of a tool, lock and key, or other means of security, and is controlled by the authority responsible for the location.
Make sure that the power is off and the power cord is disconnected.
Check the power cord.
Make sure that the third-wire ground connector is in good condition. Use a meter to measure third-wire ground continuity for 0.1 ohm or less between the external ground pin and the frame ground.
Make sure that the power cord is the correct type.
To view the power cords that are available for the server:Go to:
Click Preconfigured Model or Configure to order.
Enter the machine type and model for your server to display the configurator page.
to see all line cords.
Make sure that the insulation is not frayed or worn.
Check for any obvious non-Lenovo alterations. Use good judgment as to the safety of any non-Lenovo alterations.
Check inside the solution for any obvious unsafe conditions, such as metal filings, contamination, water or other liquid, or signs of fire or smoke damage.
Check for worn, frayed, or pinched cables.
Make sure that the power-supply cover fasteners (screws or rivets) have not been removed or tampered with.
The design of the electrical distribution system must take into consideration the total grounding leakage current from all power supplies in the enclosure.
: High touch current. Connect to earth before connecting to supply.