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Integrated diagnostics panel

The Integrated diagnostics panel is attached to the front of the server, while it allows quick access to system information such as errors, system status, firmware, network, and health information. The Integrated Diagnostics Panel may also provide front operator panel function.

Location of the integrated diagnostics panel


The integrated diagnostics panel is attached to the front of the 8U GPU shuttle.

Integrated diagnostics panel attached to the front of the 8U GPU shuttle


1 The handle with which the panel can be pulled out from the server.

  • The panel can be pushed in or pulled out regardless of the system power status.

  • When pulling it out, do it gently to avoid damage.

Display panel overview

The diagnostics device consists of an LCD display and 5 navigation buttons.

Display panel controls with identifying callouts

1 LCD display
2 Scroll buttons (up/down/left/right)

Press the scroll buttons to locate and select system information.

3 Select button

Press the select button to select from the options in the menu.

Option flow diagram

The LCD panel displays various system information. Navigate through the options with the scroll keys.

Depending on the model, the options and entries on the LCD display might be different.

Display panel option flow

Full menu list

Following is the list of available options. Switch between an option and the subordinate information entries with the select button, and switch among options or information entries with the scroll buttons.

Depending on the model, the options and entries on the LCD display might be different.

Home Menu (System Status Dashboard)
Home MenuExample

1 System name

2 System status

3 Active alert quantity

4 Temperature

5 Power consumption

6 Checkpoint code

Display panel home menu

Active Alerts
Sub MenuExample

Home screen: Active error quantity

The Active Alerts menu displays only the quantity of active errors. If no errors occur, the Active Alerts menu will not be available during navigation.
1 Active Alerts
Details screen:
  • Error message ID (Type: Error/Warning/Information)

  • Occurrence time

  • Possible sources of the error

Active Alerts: 1
Press ▼ to view alert details
04/07/2020 02:37:39 PM
CPU 1 Status:
Configuration Error
System VPD Information
Sub MenuExample
  • Machine type and serial number

  • Universal Unique ID (UUID)

Machine Type: xxxx
Serial Num: xxxxxx
Universal Unique ID:
System Firmware
Sub MenuExample

XCC Primary

  • Firmware level (status)

  • Build ID

  • Version number

  • Release date

XCC Primary (Active)
Build: DVI399T
Version: 4.07
Date: 2020-04-07

XCC Backup

  • Firmware level (status)

  • Build ID

  • Version number

  • Release date

XCC Backup (Active)
Build: D8BT05I
Version: 1.00
Date: 2019-12-30


  • Firmware level (status)

  • Build ID

  • Version number

  • Release date

UEFI (Inactive)
Build: D0E101P
Version: 1.00
Date: 2019-12-26
XCC Network Information
Sub MenuExample
  • XCC hostname

  • MAC address

  • IPv4 Network Mask

  • IPv4 DNS

  • IPv6 Link Local IP

  • Stateless IPv6 IP

  • Static IPv6 IP

  • Current IPv6 Gateway

  • IPv6 DNS

Only the MAC address that is currently in use is displayed (extension or shared).
XCC Network Information
XCC Hostname: XCC-xxxx-SN
MAC Address:
IPv4 IP:
IPv4 Network Mask:
IPv4 Default Gateway:
System Environmental Information
Sub MenuExample
  • Ambient temperature

  • Exhaust temperature

  • CPU temperature

  • PSU status

  • Spinning speed of fans by RPM

Ambient Temp: 24 C
Exhaust Temp: 30 C
CPU1 Temp: 50 C
PSU1: Vin= 213 w
Inlet= 26 C
FAN1 Front: 21000 RPM
FAN2 Front: 21000 RPM
FAN3 Front: 21000 RPM
FAN4 Front: 21000 RPM
Active Sessions
Sub MenuExample
Quantity of active sessions
Active User Sessions: 1
Sub MenuExample
Several quick actions are available:
  • Revert XCC to Defaults

  • Force XCC Reset

  • Request XCC Reset

  • Set UEFI Memory Test

  • Request Virtual Reseat

  • Modify XCC Static IPv4 Address/Net mask/Gateway

  • Modify System Name

  • Generate/Download FFDC Service Data

Request XCC Reset?
This will request the BMC to reboot itself.
Hold √ for 3 seconds