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Keyboard LED sync

When the H5Viewer is launched, the keyboard lock status and LEDs denoting the lock status of the host machine, should be in sync with those in the client machine. That is, if the Num, Caps, or Scroll lock is enabled or disabled in the client machine, the same should be updated in the host machine as well.

Due to Web browser-related security concerns, this feature has the following limitations:
  • Host LED status will be synced with client LED status, only if the user presses any key in the client keyboard when the H5Viewer window is in focus.

  • Client keyboard LED status cannot be updated.

    This functionality is not available in the safari Web browser.

  • In some Linux hosts, with text mode, CapsLock LED status will not be updated properly.

    In such cases, the H5Viewer CapsLock synchronization functionality will not work properly.

  • Example: Typing letters in H5Viewer (after pressing CapsLock) will toggle between lower to upper case inside the host.