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Video Record

This menu contains the following sub menu items:

Record Video: This option is to start recording the screen.

Stop Recording: This option is used to stop the recording.

Record Settings: This option is used to set video record duration and video compression value. Video Length should be in the range of 1 to 1800 seconds. Video Compression should be in the range of 0.1 (low image quality) to 0.9. (high image quality).

Normalized video resolution to 1024 X 768: Host video will be scaled to 1024 x 768 in the recorded video file.
  • Enabling this option improves client-side video recording performance in H5Viewer.

  • Disable this option to record video at the same resolution as host video. The host video capture depends on client system performance. If this option is disabled, the recorded video file may have inconsistency. (for example, recorded video file duration may not be the same as the configured value).


The maximum video file size allowed is around 40 MB. If the video file size reaches its maximum size limit, the recorded file is downloaded and recording will be in progress until the configured video recording time is reached. The video file is saved as video_date-month-year_hr-min-sec_partno in client-side video recording.

Users have to take care of saving the video files in different browsers.

When H5Viewer focus is lost and if video recording is in progress, the recording will be stopped with a notification message and the recorded video file will be discarded.

Due to browser limitations, the set timeout or set interval will be delayed from specified time of interval when the browser window loses focus. Hence, the video server will not send the video packets to H5Viewer and so the video recording will be stopped.