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Quick buttons

The upper right of the H5Viewer window displays all the quick buttons. These quick buttons allow you to perform the below functions by clicking them.

Table 1. Quick buttons in the H5Viewer window

Notification icon

This quick button will show or hide the notification drop-down menu, which contains the list of notifications displayed by H5Viewer.

Zoom indicator

It shows the current zoom value in percentage.

Host monitor status icon

This quick button is used to display the current host monitor status.
  • If the icon is in green, the host monitor is unlocked.

  • If the icon is in red, the host monitor is locked.

By clicking the button, the host monitor status can be toggled.

Server power status icon

This quick button is used to display the current server power status.
  • If the icon is in green, the server status is powered on.

  • If the icon is in red, the server status is powered off.

Click the button to toggle between immediate host power-off and power-on.