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Secure Boot Custom Policy

Use this menu to configure secure boot custom policy.


Secure Boot Custom Policy

Enroll UEFI Image


Executive item.

Enrolls the SHA256 hash of the selected UEFI image binary into the authorized signature database.

Secure Boot variable


Dynamic information.

Displays the platform keys, key exchange keys, authorized signature database, and forbidden signature database.



Dynamic information.

Displays the number of bytes.



Dynamic information.

Displays the number of certificates.

Key Source


Dynamic information.

Displays the certificate sources. The sources can be Factory Default, No Keys, Mixed, or Customized.



Executive item.

Enrolls a PK or delete the existing key.



Executive item.

Enrolls a KEK or delete the existing key.



Executive item.

Enrolls a DB or delete the existing key.



Executive item.

Enrolls a DBX or delete the existing key.