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Processor Details

Table 1. Processor Details
Processor Socket
  • Socket 1

  • Socket n

Display processor socket table.

Processor ID

ASCII string

Display tag for the processor ID.

Processor Frequency

ASCII string

Display value for the processor frequency.

Processor Revision

ASCII string

Display value for the microcode revision.

L1 Cache RAM

ASCII string

Display amount of L1 Cache RAM.

L2 Cache RAM

ASCII string

Display amount of L2 Cache RAM.

L3 Cache RAM

ASCII string

Display amount of L3 Cache RAM.

PSB Fusing Status

ASCII string

Platform Secure Boot fusing status in processor: [Fused] processor is fused for PSB enabling; [Unfused] processor is not fused for PSB and it is in neutral state.

Cores Per Socket (Supported/Enabled)

ASCII strings

Display number of supported and enabled processor cores per processor socket.

Threads Per Socket (Supported/Enabled)

ASCII strings

Display number of supported and enabled processor threads per processor socket.

Dies Per CPU (Supported/Enabled)

ASCII strings

Display number of dies per installed processor, which can be used to calculate the total activated cores based. See the "Number of CPU Cores Activated" menu selection.

Dies Per CPU = NumberOfCcds + NumberOfComplexes
Processor 1 Version

ASCII string

Display version of processor 1.

Processor n Version

ASCII string

Display version of processor n.