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Host iSCSI Configuration

Table 1. Host iSCSI configuration
iSCSI Initiator

The worldwide unique name of iSCSI Initiator. Only IQN format is accepted. Range is from 4 to 233.

Add an AttemptN/A

Add an attempt.

List of Attempts
For example,
  • Attempt 1

  • Attempt 2

Only appears when attempts exist. Selecting an item will lead to Attempt Configuration page in

MAC: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, PFA: Bus XX | Dev XX | Func XX, “iSCSI Mode”: [%s1], “Internet Protocol”: [%s2]

  • Exact value will be different depends on the attempt settings.

  • %s1 will be option name for iSCSI Mode.

  • %s2 will be the setting name for Internet Protocol.

Delete AttemptsN/A

Delete one or more attempts.

Change Attempt OrderN/A

Change the order of Attempts using +/- keys. Use arrow keys to select the attempt then press +/- to move the attempt up/down in the attempt order list.