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System Summary

Table 1. System Summary
System Identification Data
Machine Type/Model

ASCII string of 10 or 8 characters

System machine type and model

Serial Number

ASCII string of 10 or 8 characters

Serial number

UUID Number

16-byte Hexadecimal String of 32 characters

Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

Asset Tag Number

ASCII string of 32 characters

A customer assigned system asset tag number

Installed CPU Packages

ASCII string of 1 character

Number of installed CPU packages

Processor Speed

y.yyy GHz

Processor speed

UPI Link Speed

yy.y GT/s

UPI link speed

The UPI function works only when two or more processors are installed.
Memory Mode

ASCII string

Memory mode

Memory Speed

yyyy MHz

Speed of the installed memory

Total Memory Detected

yyyy GB

Total capacity of all installed DIMMs

Total Usable Memory Capacity

yyyy GB

Amount of usable memory after deducting the overhead caused by mirroring mode, reserved or bad blocks and other factors