GET – Lenovo D2 Enclosure properties
Use the GET method to retrieve properties in Lenovo D2 Enclosure resource for a server.
Request URL
GET https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/Chassis/2
Request body
Response body
Field | Type | Description | |||
SerialNumber | String | The serial number of this chassis. | |||
ChassisType | String | This property indicates the type of physical form factor of this resource. | |||
Description | String | Provides a description of this chassis resource. | |||
Links | Object | Expanded | |||
Contains | Array | An array of references to the chassis contained in this chassis. | |||
Contains [N] | Link | The value of this property is a URI reference to the resource of chassis. | |||
Model | String | The model number for the chassis. | |||
Id | String | Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of Chassis. Always set to “2”. | |||
Status | Object | Contains the following elements | |||
State | String | “Enabled” | |||
Name | String | The name of the Chassis resource. Always set to “Chassis Enclosure”. | |||
Power | Link | A reference link to the power resource contained in this chassis. | |||
Manufacturer | String | The manufacturer of this chassis. Always set to “Lenovo” or “LNVO”. | |||
Location | Object | The location of chassis. | |||
PartLocation | Object | The part location within the placement. | |||
LocationOrdinalValue | Integer | The number that represents the location of the part. If LocationType is `slot` and this unit is in slot 2, the LocationOrdinalValue is 2. | |||
LocationType | String | The type of location of the part, such as slot, bay and socket. | |||
Placement | Object | A place within the addressed location. | |||
AdditionalInfo | String | Area designation or other additional info. | |||
UUID | String | Only available for D3 Chassis compatible nodes. |
Status code
HTTP Status Code | Error Message ID |
500 | InternalError |
The following example JSON response is returned:
"PowerSubsystem": {
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2/PowerSubsystem"
"Model": "",
"Location": {
"PartLocation": {
"LocationOrdinalValue": 1,
"LocationType": "Bay"
"Placement": {}
"Id": "2",
"Name": "Chassis Enclosure",
"@odata.type": "#Chassis.v1_19_0.Chassis",
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2",
"ChassisType": "Enclosure",
"@odata.etag": "\"62c82cfda40c25aee58\"",
"Manufacturer": "Lenovo",
"Power": {
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2/Power"
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Chassis.Chassis",
"Oem": {
"Lenovo": {
"LANEnabled": true,
"IPv4": "",
"@odata.type": "#LenovoChassis.v1_0_0.LenovoChassisProperties",
"IPMIEnabled": true
"Description": "This resource is used to represent a physical enclosure for a Redfish implementation.",
"Status": {
"State": "Enabled",
"Health": "OK"
"PowerState": null,
"SerialNumber": "",
"Links": {
"ComputerSystems": [],
"ManagedBy": [],
"Contains": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"