PATCH – Insert/Eject a virtual media
Use the PATCH method to insert or eject a virtual media.
Not support to insert/eject “Remote{N}” media.
Not support to insert “RDOC{N}” media.
Only support to insert “EXT{N}” media via protocol HTTP, HTTPS, NFS or CIFS.
Request URL
PATCH https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/Systems/1/VirtualMedia/{id}
Request body
Properties to be updated are shown as bellow, all of these properties can be changed individually.
Field | Type | Error Message ID |
Image | String | A URI providing the location of the selected image. Set to null to eject the virtual media. |
Inserted | Boolean | Indicate if virtual media is inserted in the virtual device. Set to false to eject the virtual media. |
WriteProtected | Boolean | Indicate the media is write protected. |
UserName | String | User name. |
Password | String | null |
VerifyCertificate | Boolean | If false, the service will not check certificate from remote HTTPS server. |
The response returns same content as GET operation with updated properties.
Status code
HTTP Status Code | Error Message ID |
400 | InsufficientPrivilege, Conflict, PropertyValueTypeError, PropertyMissing, PropertyNotWritable, SourceDoesNotSupportProtocol |
500 | InternalError |
The following example is PATCH body.
"Image": "",
"Inserted": true,
"WriteProtected": true,
After the PATCH operation runs successfully, querying the chassis resource returns below example
"ConnectedVia": "URI",
"Id": "EXT1",
"MediaTypes": [
"Image": "",
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#VirtualMedia.VirtualMedia",
"": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/VirtualMedia/EXT1",
"ImageName": "Core-current.iso",
"@odata.type": "#VirtualMedia.v1_3_0.VirtualMedia",
"WriteProtected": true,
"@odata.etag": "\"5fb9f3ba323469f34cf349a889ff49cf\"",
"Inserted": true,
"Name": "VirtualMedia",
"Password": null,
"Description": "This resource shall be used to represent a virtual media service for a Redfish implementation."
"Inserted": false,
"UserName": "test",
"TransferMethod": “Stream”,
"TransferProtocolType": “HTTP”