PATCH – Update BMC serial interface configurations
Use the PATCH method to update properties in the resource of serial interface for Redfish service.
Request URL
PATCH https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/Managers/1/SerialInterfaces/1
Request body
Properties to be updated are shown as bellow, all of these properties can be changed individually.
Field | Type | Error Message ID |
BitRate | String | Valid values: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 |
StopBits | String | Serial interface stop bits. Valid values: 1, 2 |
Parity | String | Valid values: None, Odd, Even. |
InterfaceEnabled | Boolean | Valid values: True/False |
Response body
The response returns same content as GET operation with updated properties.
Status code
HTTP Status Code | Error Message ID |
500 | InternalError |
The following example is PATCH body.
"BitRate": "57600",
"Parity": "Even"
After the PATCH operation runs successfully, querying the chassis resource returns below example JSON response:
"@odata.context" : "/redfish/v1/$metadata#SerialInterface.SerialInterface",
"BitRate" : "57600",
"Parity" : "Even",
"Id" : "1",
"SignalType" : "Rs232",
"Oem" : {
"Lenovo" : {
"EnterCLIKeySequence" : "^[(",
"SerialInterfaceState" : "Enabled",
"CLIMode" : "UserDefined"
"StopBits" : "1",
"DataBits" : "8",
"@odata.etag" : "\"c27142bd8ebce22599a3beed29808fd3\"",
"" : "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/SerialInterfaces/1",
"@odata.type" : "#SerialInterface.v1_1_3.SerialInterface",
"Description" : "Serial port redirection of the host.",
"Name" : "Serial Interface",
"FlowControl" : "None",
"InterfaceEnabled" : true
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