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readlog command

This command displays the IMM event logs.

Use the readlog command to display the IMM event log entries. Five event logs are displayed at a time. The entries are displayed from the most recent to the oldest.
  • R - invalid
  • I - info
  • W - warning
  • E - critical
readlog [-options]
Table 1. readlog options
-aDisplays all entries in the event log, starting with the most recent. 
-fResets the counter and displays the first 5 entries in the event log, starting with the most recent. 
-dateDisplays event log entries for the specified dateUse the following format: mm/dd/yyyy
-sevDisplays event log entries for the specified severity level.R, I, W, E
-iSets the IPv4 or IPv6 IP address of the TFTP or SFTP server where the event log is saved. The -i and -l command options are used together to specify the location.Valid IP address
-lSets the file name of the event log file. The -i and -l command options are used together to specify the location.Valid filename
-pnDisplays or sets the port number of the TFTP or SFTP server.Valid port number (default 69/22)
-uSpecifies the user name for the SFTP server.Valid user name
-pwSpecifies the password for the SFTP server.Valid password
-diExtended audit log capabilitynone, ipmi
system> readlog -f
1 I 2017-06-17T09:31:59.217 Remote Login Successful. Login ID: USERID
from SSH at IP address
2 I 2017-06-17T07:23:04.685 Remote Login Successful. Login ID: USERID
from webguis at IP address
3 I 2017-06-16T11:00:35.581 Login ID: USERID from webguis at IP address has logged off.
4 I 2017-06-16T11:00:15.174 Login ID: USERID from webguis at IP address has logged off.
5 I 2017-06-16T10:40:14.352 Login ID: USERID from webguis at IP address has logged off.
system> readlog
6 E SERVPROC 12/18/03 10:09:31 Fan 2 Fault. Multiple fan failures
7 E SERVPROC 12/18/03 10:09:31 Fan 1 Fault. Single fan failure
8 I SERVPROC 12/18/03 10:09:25 Ethernet[0] Link Established at 100Mb, Full Duplex.
9 I SERVPROC 12/18/03 10:09:24 Ethernet[0] configured to do Auto Speed/Auto Duplex.
10 I SERVPROC 12/18/03 10:09:24 Ethernet[0] MAC Address currently
being used: 0x00-09-6B-CA-0C-80