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servicelog command

This command is used to generate a new service data file.

This command used to be ffdc command.

Use the servicelog command to generate and transfer service data to Support.

The following list consist of commands to be used with the servicelog command:

The following table shows the arguments for the options.

servicelog [subset_command] [-options]
Table 1. servicelog subset commands
generateCreate a new service data file
statusCheck status of service data file
copyCopy existing service data
deleteDelete existing service data
Table 2. servicelog options
-tService log type1, 2, 3
  • 1: Debug log (FFDC, default)
  • 2: Service data log
  • 3: Service data log coupled debug log, which is only valid when copying log files
Additional options for generate command
-cDump data category selection. The data category won't be contained if not specified with this option.
  • For type 1 (ffdc): corefile
  • For type 2 (service data log): network, audit, telemetry, osscreen
Additional options for generate and copy commands
-fRemote filename or sftp target directory.For sftp, use full path or trailing / on directory name (~/ or /tmp/). The default value is the system generated name.
-ipAddress of the tftp/sftp server.Valid IP address
-pnPort number of the tftp/sftp server.Valid port number (default 69/22)
-uUsername for the sftp server.Valid user name
-pwPassword for the sftp server.Valid password
-timeoutMinutes to allow for foreground copy.Between 1 and 5 (default 1)
system> servicelog generate
Generating ffdc...
system> servicelog status
Type 1 ffdc: in progress
system> servicelog copy -t 1 -ip -u User2 -pw Passw0rd -f /tmp/
Waiting for ffdc.....
Copying ffdc...
system> servicelog status
Type 1 ffdc: completed

system> servicelog generate
Generating ffdc...
system> servicelog status
Type 1 ffdc: in progress
system> servicelog status
Type 1 ffdc: in progress
system> servicelog copy -ip
Copying ffdc...
system> servicelog status
Type 1 ffdc: completed